- Abraham of Worms: Sacred Magic of Abramelin
- Albertus Magnus' Egyptian Secrets
or, white and black art for man and beast (edited by J.H. Peterson)
- Arbatel of Magic (Latin, English, and German editions)
- Agrippa's Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy
- Ars Notoria, or The Notary Art of Solomon
- Book of Protection Gollancz, 1912.
- Compendium Heptarchiae Mysticae, An early version of John Dee's
primary magical text. Not available elsewhere.
- Douze Anneaux (French)
- Heptameron or Elements of Magic,
by Peter de Abano (Latin with English translation)
- Albertus Magus' Egyptian Secrets
- Heptarchia Mystica, John Dee's summary of his techniques for conjuring
- Armand Delatte Anecdota Atheniensia 740 pages, illustrated. Huge collection of magic texts including the
Magical Treatise of Solomon (Liége, 1927) (Greek)
- Key of Solomon Mathers-Peterson English edition. The
most famous handbook of magic
- The Key of Knowledge: A Sixteenth-Century English translation of the Key of Solomon.
- Sefer Maphteah Shelomoh,
complete reproduction of the the Hebrew manuscript
of the Key of Solomon, including dozens of drawings. Highly sought after.
- Mafteah Shelomoh, Key of Solomon Hebrew manuscript described (Gollancz, 1905)
- Lemegeton, or the Lesser Key of Solomon.
Four books: Goetia, Theurgia Goetia, Ars Paulina, Ars Almadel. (Ars Notoria see above).
All the hundreds of seals and diagrams are included in the CD version.
- Romanus-Büchlein (German with English translation)
- Reginald Scot's collection of magical texts
(Discoverie of Witchcraft, Book 16)
- A. W. Greenup: Sefer ha-Levanah -- The Book of the Moon (Hebrew)
- Ebenezer Sibly, A New and Complete Illustration of the Occult
Sciences, Book 4. (1795?)
- Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses New edition by
J. H. Peterson
- Sword of Moses. 10th century Hebrew handbook of Magic,
Hebrew with English translation, plus an index of Mystical Names.
- Sworn Book of Honorius (Liber Juratus) (English and Latin)
- Tabula bonorum angelorum invocationes, by
Dr. John Dee (Latin)
- Testament of Solomon. Oldest magical handbook attributed to Solomon
- The art of drawing spirits into crystals, by Johann Trithemius
- Theosophia pneumatica (German).
- Tuba Veneris
('The Trumpet of Venus'), a pre-Enochian magical text by
Dr. John Dee (1580, Latin)
- Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy Book 1: Natural Magic;
Book 2: Celestial Magic; Book 3: Ceremonial Magic (English)
- Agrippa: Female Pre-eminence -- Declamatio de nobilitate et precellentia Foeminei sexus (Latin with English translation)
- Theodore Besterman: Crystal-Gazing (1924) (160 pages)
- Giordano Bruno: Umbris Idearum (Shadow of Ideas).
The magical art of memory was at the heart of Bruno's life, and his death at
the hands of the Inquisition (Latin)
- Bruno: Ars Memoriae (Latin)
- Bruno: Cantus Circaeus ("Incantations
of Circe") (Latin)
- Bruno: Heroic Frenzies. Love as a path to mystical ascent (English)
- Bruno: De Magia. One of Bruno's few books explicitly
dealing with Magic (Latin)
- Bruno: Magia Mathematica. Magic of characters, seals, and figures (Latin)
- Bruno: Theses De Magia (Latin)
- Bruno: De Vinculis in Genera (Latin)
- Chaldaean Oracles of Zoroaster (two editions: ed. Westcott, and ed. Stanley)
Considered essential by Crowley and the GD
- John Dee: Liber Loagaeth: Complete text. Also known as Mysteriorum Liber
Sextus et Sanctus and as the Book of Enoch. This is the book at the center of the Enochian
magic of John Dee and Edward Kelley. Delivered by the angels, and said
to usher in the New Age. (2 complete versions included: one with Roman font and one with Enochian font)
- John Dee: The Hieroglyphic Monad:
Written in twelve days while in a peak (mystical) state, Dee claimed this highly esoteric work
would revolutionize astronomy, alchemy, mathematics, linguistics, mechanics, music, optics,
magic, and adeptship. (2 separate editions: English translation, French translation)
- John Dee: A Letter Containing a most briefe Discourse Apologeticall
- Dionysius the Areopagite: The Celestial Hierarchies and Mystical Theology
- E.S. Drower: Peacock Angel (1941)
- Iamblichus: Theurgia, or the Mysteries of the Egyptians
- Giovanni Pico della Mirandola: Of Being and Unity
- Giovanni Pico della Mirandola: Conclusiones sive Theses DCCCC (Latin)
- Proclus: Metaphysical Elements
- The Sphere of Sacrobosco
- Johann Trithemius: Seven Secondary Intelligences (De Septem Secundeis)
- Trithemius: Steganographia (all 3 Books).
Trithemius' most notorious work. On the surface it is a system of angel magic,
but within is a highly sophisticated system of cryptography. (Latin)
- Clavicules du Roi Salomon, Par Armadel. Livre Troisieme. Concernant les Esprits & leurs pouvoirs. (The Key of King Solomon, Book 3: Concerning the Spirits and their Capabilities.) (French, from Lans. 1202)
- Grimorium Verum (parallel 1817 French edition with Engl. transl. and Italian version)
- La Vera Clavicola del Re Salomone (1868 Italian
edition of Grimorium Verum)
- La Clavicola del Re Solomone Tessoro delle
Scienze Occulte (1880 Italian edition of Grimorium Verum)
- Le Grand Grimoire, one of the most famous and outrageous
handbooks of black magic. (1845 French with English translation)
- Le Grand Grimoire, (1750 French edition)
- Le Grimoire du Pape Honorius, "perhaps the most
frankly diabolical of the Rituals connected with Black Magic." (1670 French edition)
- Le Grimoire du Pape Honorius, (1760 French edition)
- Le Grimoire du Pape Honorius, (1800 French edition)
- Le Petit Albert, (1782 French edition)
- Johann Weyer: Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (Latin with English translation)
- Verus Jesuitarum Libellus
('The True Book of the Jesuits') (Latin with English transl.)
- Search Engine (Windows only) Find what you're looking for
instantly -- and in context.
- Expanded graphics library, now with
over 1000 gifs, jpegs, and bmps.
- John Dee: Mysteriorum Libri Quinque or Five Books of
Mystical Exercises. (Contents and preface only)
- John Dee: True and Faithful Relation (excerpts)
- "Angelic Language"
Index Verborum from Liber Loagaeth
- The Holy Table engraving from Casaubon's
True and Faithful Relation
- Angel Registry:
Index of Angel names, magical words, and names of God
- Athanasius Kircher: Oedipus Aegyptiacus
(1652) Kircher's discussion of Sigillum Dei Aemeth (Latin)
- Paracelsus Archidoxes of Magic (excerpts)
- Picatrix (detailed summary)
- Solomon and the Ars Notoria:
From Lynn Thorndike, Magic and Experimental Science
- A word about Lovecraft and the Necronomicon
- "Apollonius of Tyana reads your future" From the Circus of Dr. Lao