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This digital edition by Joseph H. Peterson,
Copyright © 2003, 2005. All rights reserved.
A True & Faithful RELATION OF What passed for many Yeers Between Dr. JOHN DEE (A Mathematician of Great Fame in Q. ELIZ. And King JAMES their Reignes) and Some Spirits: TENDING (had it Succeeded) To a General Alteration of most STATES and KINGDOMES in the World. His Private Conferences with RODOLPHE Emperor of Germany, STEPHEN K. of Poland, and divers other PRINCES about it. The Particulars of his Cause, as it was agitated in the Emperors Court; By the POPES Intervention: His Banishment, and Restoration in part. As Also The LETTERS of Sundry Great Men And PRINCES (some whereof were present at some of these Conferences and Apparitions of SPIRITS:) to the said D. DEE. OUT OF The Original copy, written with Dr. DEES own Hand: Kept in the LIBRARY of Sir THO. COTTON, Kt. Baronet. WITH A PREFACE Confirming the Reality (as to the Point of SPIRITS) of This RELATION: and shewing the several good USES that A Sober Christian may make of All. BY MERIC. CASAUBON, D.D. LONDON, Printed by D. Maxwell, for T. GARTHWAIT, and sold at the Little North door of S. Pauls, and by other Stationers. 1659. |
London, British Library: Appendix MS. XVLI, parts 1 and 2. Manuscript of Dee's 'Spiritual Diaries' published by Meric Casaubon.
London, British Library: Cotton Appendix MS. XLVI. Elias Ashmole's copy of Dee's 'Spiritual Diaries'.
Oxford, Bodleian: MS. Ashmole 1790, fols. 1-19v. Dee's Latin copy of additional Spirit Actions.
Oxford, Bodleian: MS. Ashmole 1788, fols. 37-64. Ashmole's copy of MS. Ashmole 1790.
London, British Library: Sloane MS. 3645. A 17th century English translation of MS. Ashmole 1790.
Casaubon's own copy with his handwritten correction is in the Bodleian Library, shelf mark D. 8. 14. art.
'An Unknown Chapter in the Life of John Dee', ed. C. H. Josten, JWCI, XVIII (1965), 223-57. Translation of MS. Ashmole 1790.
Related MSS:
Oxford, Bodleian: Ashmole MS. 580. Elias Ashmole's copy of Meric Casaubon's edition of A True & Faithful Relation of what passed for many Years Between Dr: John Dee... and Some Spirits which contains copious notes by Ashmole.
Oxford, Bodleian: Ashmole MS. 1788, arts. 1-18. Among other items: copy of Dee's Compendious Rehearsal; John Dee's 'Praefatio Latina in actionem in Latinam primum ex 7 (habitam 10 die Aprilis Pragae) etiam in Latinam conversam semonem, an[no] 1 586'; letter from Dr N. Bernard to Meric Casaubon concerning his book of Dee's actions with spirits and Archbishop Usher's opinion of it, as well as Sir Robert Cotton's note concerning that statement of opinion, and a letter by Casaubon concerning his book about Dee's angelic conferences. Much of it is transcribed by Ashmole.
Oxford, Bodleian: Ashmole MS. 1790, I-IV. 'Praefatio Latina in actionem'; papers relating to Dee's actions with the spirits; Elias Ashmole's observations and collections concerning Dee's religious magic; Elias Ashmole's correspondence relating to Dee.
Oxford, Bodleian: Rawlison MS. 923, art. B. 10. Various notes on Meric Casaubon's edition of the 'Spiritual Diaries'.
Preface is 55 pages, plus 56-64 = Dee, A Letter.
Text is pp. 1-256, 353-448, 1-45, sample page from Liber Loagaeth (“Arney vah…” lines 1-17)
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