Sacred Texts  Buddhism 

The Dhammapada

Translated from the Pâli by F. Max Müller

The Sutta-Nipâta

Translated from the Pâli by V. Fausböll

Oxford, the Clarendon Press


Vol. X of The Sacred Books of the East

Contents    Start Reading    Text [Zipped]

The Dhammapada

Title Page
Chapter I. The Twin-Verses.
Chapter II. On Earnestness.
Chapter III. Thought.
Chapter IV. Flowers.
Chapter V. The Fool.
Chapter VI. The Wise Man (Pandita).
Chapter VII. The Venerable (Arhat).
Chapter VIII. The Thousands.
Chapter IX. Evil.
Chapter X. Punishment.
Chapter XI. Old Age.
Chapter XII. Self.
Chapter XIII. The World.
Chapter XIV. The Buddha (The Awakened).
Chapter XV. Happiness.
Chapter XVI. Pleasure.
Chapter XVII. Anger.
Chapter XVIII. Impurity.
Chapter XIX. The Just.
Chapter XX. The Way.
Chapter XXI. Miscellaneous.
Chapter XXII. The Downward Course.
Chapter XXIII. The Elephant.
Chapter XXIV. Thirst.
Chapter XXV. The Bhikshu (Mendicant).
Chapter XXVI. The Brâhmana (Arhat).

The Sutta-Nipâta

Title Page
I. Uragavagga.
II. Kûlavagga.
III. Mahâvagga.
IV. Atthakavagga.
V. Pârâyanavagga.