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Lives of the Saints, by Alban Butler, Benziger Bros. ed. [1894], at

p. 8 p. 9



All-Saints, 348

All-Souls, 348

The Annunciation, 123

The Assumption, 281

Sts. Abraham and Mary, 109

Sts. Adrian and Eubulus, 97

St. Aelred, 33

St. Agapetus, 284

St. Agatha, 63

St. Agnes, 43

St. Albinus, 92

St. Alexius, 252

St. Aloysius Gonzaga, 224

St. Alphonsus Liguori, 268

St. Ambrose, 374

St. Andrew, Apostle, 369

St. Andrew Avellino, 354

St. Anicetus, 149

St. Anne, 262

St. Anselm, 152

St. Antoninus, 175

St. Antony, 39

St. Antony of Padua, 216

St. Apollinaris, Apologist, 29

St. Apollinaris, Martyr, 259

St. Apollonia and the Martyrs

of Alexandria, 68

St. Appollonius, 150

St. Athanasius, 165

St. Attains, 202

St. Augustine, 193

St. Augustine of Hippo, 296

St. Avitus, 220


St. Bademus, 142

St. Barachisius, 129

St. Barbara, 372

St. Barbatus, 79

St. Barnabus, 214

St. Bartholomew, 292

St. Basil the Great, 217

St. Basilissa, 30

St. Bathildes, 53

Ven. Bede, 195

St. Benedict, 119

St. Benedict of Anian, 71

St. Benezet, 146

St. Benjamin, 130

St. Bernard, 287

St. Bernardine of Siena, 186

St. Bertha, 237

St. Bertille, 351

St. Bibiana, 370

St. Blandina, 20.

St. Blase, 61

Blessed Virgin Mary, The Annunciation of, 123

Blessed Virgin Mary, The Assumption of, 281

Blessed Virgin Mary, The Immaculate Conception of, 374

Blessed Virgin Mary, The Nativity of, 308

Blessed Virgin Mary, The Presentation of, 363

Blessed Virgin Mary, The Purification of, 59

Blessed Virgin Mary, the Sunday in the Octave of the Nativity of, 308

Blessed Virgin Mary, The Visitation of, 235

Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy, 321

St. Bonaventure, 249

St. Boniface, 206

St. Bridgid, 54

St. Bridget of Sweden, 332

St. Bruno, 330

p. 10


Candlemas-day, 59

Christmas, 386

The Circumcision of Our Lord, 21

Cross, The Holy, Discovery of, 166

Cross, The Holy, Exaltation of, 314

Crown of Thorns, The Holy, 9

St. Cajetan, 274

St. Callistus, 336

St. Camillus of Lellis, 253

St. Canutus, 41

St. Casimir, 96

St. Catherine of Alexandria, 366

St. Catherine of Genoa, 315

St. Catherine of Ricci, 72

St. Catherine of Siena, 163

St. Catherine of Sweden, 126

St. Cecilia, 363

St. Celestine, 137

St. Celsus, 263

St. Charles Borromeo, 350

St. Christina, 260

St. Clare, 278

St. Claude, 209

St. Clement of Rome, 364

Sts. Cletus and Marcellinus, 158

St. Clotilda, 203

St. Cloud, 307

St. Colette, 98

St. Columba, or Columkille, 212

Sts. Cosmas and Damian, 324

St Crescentia, 213

Sts. Crispin and Crispinian, 343

St. Cunegundes, 146

St. Cyprian, 315

Sts. Cyprian and Justina, Martyrs, 323

St. Cyriacus and his Companions, 275

St. Cyril, 197

St. Cyril of Alexandria, 57

St. Cyril of Jerusalem, 114


The Dedication of St. Mary ad Nives, 272

St. Damascus, 376

St. Damian, 324

St. David, 91

St. Delphinius, 385

St. Didacus, 357

St. Dionysia, 180

St. Dionysius and his Companions, 332

St. Dominic, 271

Sts. Donatian and Rogatian, 190

St. Dorothy, 65


Epiphany of Our Lord, 28

St. Edmund of Canterbury, 359

St. Edward the Confessor, 335

Eighteen Martyrs of Saragossa, 148

St. Eleutherius, 306

St. Eligius, 370

St. Elizabeth of Hungary, 361

St. Elizabeth of Portugal, 242

St. Elphege, 151

St. Emiliana, 385

St. Encratis, 148

St. Ephrem, 243

St. Epiphanius, 177

St. Etheldreda, 226

St. Eubulus, 97

St. Eucherius, 80

St. Eugenius, 248

St. Eulalia, 376

St. Eulogius, 103

St. Eulogius, Patriarch, 313

St. Euphrasia, 106

St. Eusebius, 280

St. Eusebius, Bishop, 380

St. Eustachius and his Companions, 318

St. Evaristus, 244


Sts. Faustinus and Jovita, 74

St. Felicianus, 211

p. 11

St. Felicitas and her Seven Sons, 244

St. Felix I, 198

St. Felix of Valois, 362

St. Fiaker, 299

St. Fidelis, 156

St. Finbarr, 322

St. Finian, 377

St. Firmin, 322

St. Flavian, 76

Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, 102

St. Frances of Rome, 101

St. Francis of Assisi, 329

St. Francis Borgia, 333

St. Francis Caracciolo, 204

St. Francis of Paula, 133

St. Francis of Paula, 133

St. Francis of Sales, 52

St. Francis Solano, 17

St. Francis Xavier, 371

St. Frumentius, 345

St. Fulgentius, 22


Guardian Angels, 327

St. Gabriel Possenti, 20

St. Gal, Bishop, 234

St. Gall, Abbot, 337

St. Gatian, 381

St. Genevieve, 24

St. George, 155

St. Gerard, 328

St. Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre, 265

St. Germanus, Bishop of Paris, 196

St. Gertrude, 359

St. Giles, 301

St. Goar, 239

St. Gontran, 128

St. Gregory the Great, 105

St. Gregory, Bishop, 26

St. Gregory Nazianzen, 174

St. Gregory VII, 191

St. Gregory Thaumaturgus, 360

St. Guy of Anderlecht, 312


Holy Cross, The Discovery of the, 166

Holy Cross. the Exaltation of the, 314

Holy Innocents, 388

Holy Relics, Feast of the, 353

St. Hedwige, 338

St. Hegesippus, 138

St. Helene., 234

St. Heliodorus, 237

St. Henry, 250

B. Herman Joseph of Steinfeld, 138

St. Hermenegild, 145

St. Hilarion, 341

St. Hilary of Poitiers, 36

St. Honoratus, 38

St. Hospitius, 186

St. Hubert, 350

St. Hugh, 131

St. Hugh of Cluny, 162

St. Hyacinth, 282


The Immaculate Conception, 374

St. Ignatius, Martyr, 58

St. Ignatius of Loyola, 266

St. Irenæus, 231

St. Ischyrion, 384

St. Isidore, 135


St. James, Apostle, 261

St. James, Bishop, 245

St. James of La Marca of Ancona, 367

St. Jane Frances de Chantal, 289

St. Jane of Valois, 62

St. Januarius, 318

The Japanese Martyrs, 64

St. Jerome, 326

St. Jerome Emiliani, 256

St. Joan of Arc, 19

St. John the Almoner, 141

p. 12

St. John the Baptist, 227

St. John the Baptist, Beheading of, 296

B. John of Britto, 75

St. John Cantius, 340

St. John Chrysostom, 50

St. John Climacus, 130

St. John of the Cross, 365

St. John of Egypt, 127

St. John, Evangelist, 387

St. John before the Latin Gate, 170

St. John Francis Regis, 219

St. John of God, 100

St. John Gualbert, 247

St. John of Matha, 67

St. John Nepomucen, 181

St. John the Silent, 178

St. John of St. Fagondez, 215

Sts. John and Paul, Martyrs, 230

Sts. Jonas, Barachisius, and their Companions, 129

St. Joseph, 115

St. Joseph Calasanctus, 295

St. Jovita, 74

St. Jude, 345

St. Julia, 189

St. Juliana Falconieri, 222

Sts. Julian and Basilissa, 30

St. Julius, 144

St. Justin, 200

St. Justina, 323


St. Ladislas, 230

St. Lambert, 316

St. Laurence Justinian, 305

St. Laurence O'Toole, 358

St. Leander, 88

St. Leo the Great, 143

St. Leocadia, 375

St. Leonard, 352

St. Leonides, 154

St. Liberatus and others, 283

St. Louis, Bishop, 286

St. Louis, King, 293

St. Louis Bertrand, 332

St, Lucian, 29

St. Lucy, 378

St. Ludger, 125

St. Luke, 339

St. Lupicinus, 89


The Most Holy Crown of Thorns, 9

Dedication of St. Mary ad Nives, 272

St. Macarius of Alexandria, 23

St. Magloire, 343

St. Malachi, 349

St. Mammertus, 176

St. Marcella, 54

St. Marcellinus, Bishop, 152

St. Marcellinus, Pope, 158

St. Marcellus, 347

Sts. Marcus and Marcellianus, 221

St. Margaret, Martyr, 256

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, 338

St. Margaret of Scotland, 213

St. Mark, Evangelist, 157

St. Mark, Pope, 331

St. Martha, 264

St. Martin, Pope, 356

St. Martin of Tours, 355

The Martyrs of Alexandria, 107

The Martyrs of Japan, 64

The Martyrs of Lyons, 202

The Martyrs of Sebaste, 102

The Martyrs of Saragossa, 148

St. Mary of Egypt, 140

St. Mary Magdalen, 258

St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzi, 194

St. Matthew, 319

St. Matthias, 85

St. Maud, 107

St. Maximus, 367

St. Medard, 210

St. Mello, 341

St. Mesmin, 379

St. Michael, 325

St. Michael, The Apparition of. 172

p. 13

St. Modestus, 218

St. Monica, 168


The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin 308

St. Narcissus, 346

Sts. Nazarius and Celsus, 263

St. Nemesion, 382

St. Nicasius and his Companions, 378

St. Nicholas of Bari, 373

St. Nicholas of Tolentino, 310

St. Norbert, 207


St. Odo of Cluny, 361

St. Olympias, 380

St. Omer, 309

St. Onesimus, 76

St. Optatus, 148

St. Oswald, 90


The Purification, 59

The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin, 363

St. Pachomius, 179

St. Palladius, 240

St. Pamphilus, 201

St. Pantænus, 241

St. Pantaleon, 262

St. Paphnutius, 311

St. Paschal Baylon, 182

St. Paternus, 147

St. Patrick, 110

St. Paul, 233

St. Paul, The Conversion of, 47

St. Paul of the Cross, 160

St. Paul the First Hermit, 37

St. Pauli, Martyr, 230

St. Paulinus of Nola, 225

St. Perpetuus, 139

St. Peter, Apostle, 232

St. Peter's Chains, 267

St, Peter's Chair at Antioch, 82

St. Peter's Chair at Rome, 40

St. Peter of Alcantara, 240

St. Peter of Alexandria, 366

St. Peter Celestine, 185

St. Peter Claver, 310

St. Peter Damian, 83

B. Peter Favre, 275

St. Peter of Luxemburg, 238

St. Peter, Martyr, 161

Sts. Peter and Dionysia, 180

St. Petronilla, 199

St. Philip Benizi, 291

St. Philip Neri, 192

St. Philip of Jesus, 15

Sts. Philip and James, 164

St. Philogonius, 382

St. Pius V, 169

St. Placid, 330

St. Polycarp, 49

St. Porphyry, 87

St. Pothinus and other Martyrs of Lyons, 202

Sts. Primus and Felicianus, 211

St. Prosper of Aquitaine, 229


St. Quintin, 347


Relics, Feast of the Holy, 353

St. Radegundes, 279

St. Raymund Nonnatus, 300

St. Raymund of Pennafort, 45

St. Remigius, 327

St. Richard of Chichester, 134

St. Rita of Cascia, 20

St. Robert, 208

St. Rogatian, 190

St. Romanus, 276

Sts. Romanus and Lupicinus, 66

St. Romuald, 66

St. Rose of Lima, 298

St. Rosalia, 304

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St. Sabas, 372

St. Sabinus and his Companions, 389

St. Sanctus, 202

St. Saturninus, 368

St. Scholastica, 69

St. Sebastian, 42

St. Seraphia, 303

St. Serenus, 84

St. Severianus, 81

St. Servulus, 384

St. Silverius, 223

St. Simeon, 77

St. Simeon Stylites, 27

St. Simon, Infant Martyr, 122

St. Simon Stock, 251

Sts. Simon and Jude, 345

St. Simplicius, 93

St. Soter, 158

St. Stanislas, Bishop and Martyr, 171

St. Stanislas Kostka, 356

St. Stephen, First Martyr, 387

St. Stephen, Finding of the Relics of, 270

St. Stephen, King, 302

St. Stephen, Pope, 268

St. Susanna, 278

St. Sylvester, 390

St. Symphorian, 290


The Transfiguration, 273

St. Tarachus and Comp., 334

St. Tarasius, 86

St. Teresa, 337

St. Teresa (Little Flower of Jesus) , 18

The Theban Legion, 354

St. Thecla, 321

St. Theodore Tyro, 354

St. Theodoret, 342

St. Theodosius, 32

St. Thomas, Apostle, 383

St. Thomas Aquinas, 99

St. Thomas of Canterbury, 387

St. Thomas of Villanova, 317

Sts. Thrasilla and Emiliana, 385

Sts. Tiburtius and Susanna, 278

St. Timothy, 46

St. Titus, 25

St. Turribius, 16


St. Ursula, 341


The Visitation, 235

St. Valentine, 73

St. Valery, 377

St. Venantius, 183

St. Veronica, 34

St. Victor, 257

St. Victorian and others, 121

St. Vincent, 44

St. Vincent Ferrer, 136

St. Vincent of Paul, 254

St. Vitalis, 161

Sts. Vitus, Crescentia and Modestus, 218


St. Wenceslas, 325

St. William, 51

St. William of Monte-Vergine, 229

St. Willibrord, 352

St. Wilfrid, 335

St. Wulfran, 117


St. Yvo, 187


St. Zachary, 108

St. Zephyrinus, 294

St. Zita, 159

Next: St. Philip of Jesus