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A Miracle in Stone: The Great Pyramid, by Joesph A. Seiss, [1877], at

p. 10

The Great Pyramid
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The Great Pyramid

Detail of The Great Pyramid
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Detail of The Great Pyramid

p. 11


A, A, A, A, Corner sockets of the Pyramid's base.

B, B, B, Pyramid cut in half, viewed from the east.

C, C, C, Entrance passage.

D, D, First ascending passage.

E, E, E, The well.

F, The subterranean chamber.

G, G, G, Native rock, left standing.

H, Horizontal passage to Queen's Chamber.

I, Sabbatic or Queen's Chamber.

J, Grand niche in Queen's Chamber.

K, K, Ventilating tubes to Queen's Chamber.

L, Grand Gallery.

M, M, M, Rampstones, incisions, and vertical settings along the sides of Grand Gallery's base.

N, Great step at south end of Grand Gallery.

O, Granite leaf in anteroom to King's Chamber.

P, P, Anteroom to King's Chamber.

Q, King's Chamber.

R. Grand Coffer in King's Chamber.

S, S, S, S, S, Chambers of construction.

T, T, Ventilating tubes to King's Chamber.

U, Supposed undiscovered Chamber.

V, V, Cartouches of the two Kings, Shufu and Nem-Shufu, otherwise called Cheops or Suphis, and Sen-Suphis or Noh-Suphis, under whose co-regency the Great Pyramid was built.

W, W, Sections of next two pyramids, showing their interior openings.

X, X, Al Mamoun's forced passage.

Y, Time-marks of the building of the pyramid.

Z, Z, Z, Z, Casing-stones, now gone.


The shading in crossed lines indicates what parts of the Pyramid are red granite; the other portions, as far as known, are of limestone, of a color approaching yellowish-white.


By the use of a magnifier the lettering and indications on the diagram will be brought out in ample distinctness, where not sufficiently clear to the naked eye. The print is reduced photographically from a drawing of large size.

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