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Zetetic Astronomy, by 'Parallax' (pseud. Samuel Birley Rowbotham), [1881], at

p. 426


A Christian Philosopher of the last Century 356

All the Year Round 144

Analysis of Newton's Principia. By Henry Lord Brougham, F.R.S. 183

Antarctic Voyages. By Sir James Clarke Ross, R.N. 178, 288

Arago, M., on the supposed Movement of the Earth 320

Arctic Explorations (W. & It. Chambers) 116

Astronomy and Astronomical Instruments. By G. G. Carey 131

Athenæum, March 25, 1865 7

Australian Almanack, 1859. Communication by Captain Stokes, H.M.S. "Albion" 254

Ditto, 1871 93

Australian Handbook, Almanack and Shippers' and Importers' Directory, 1872 (Gordon & Gotch) 254

Australian and New Zealand Gazette, 1857 278

Ditto, April 9, 1853 95


Boston Post, October 30, 1856 92

Brighton Examiner, July 1, 1870 107

Builder, September 20, 1862 259


Captain Basil Hall, R.N., F.R.S., on Twilight in New Zealand 119

Captain Beechy's description of the sun at midnight 106

Castle's Treatise on Levelling 262

Chambers' Journal, No. 100 161

Cheltenham Examiner, November 29, 1865 95

Condensed Navigation (Whittaker, London) 260

Cook's Strait Almanack, 1848 120

Cosmos. By Alex. von Humboldt 150, 184, 194, 198, 287, 332


Daily News, April 5, 1865 396

Ditto, September 18, 1871. M. Kossuth's account of the survey of Mont Fréjus Tunnel 48

Daily Telegraph, July 16, 1870 131

De Facia in Orbe Luna. By Plutarch 137

Description of the Battlefields of Inkerman, Alma, and Magenta 384

Dion Cassius, Tome iv. Sturtz 137

Discoveries in the South Sea. By Captain James Burney 337

Dr. Rees' Cyclopædia. Article "Degrees" 262.

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Edinburgh Review, June, 1850 84

Electrical Theory of the Universe. By T. S. Mackintosh 350

Elements of Astronomy. By W. Maddy, M.A. 157

Elliott's Balloon Ascent from Baltimore 37

Encyclopedia Britannica. Article on "Levelling" 34

Encyclopædia of Geography. By Hugh Murray and several Professors of the University of Edinburgh 244, 245

Encyclopædia Londinensis 149, 152, 358

Encyclopedia Metropolitana. Article by Professor Barlow 152

English Mechanic, January 4, 1867 198

Extract from the Life of Dr. Adam Clark 370

Extracts from the Works of the Rev. J. Wesley, 3rd edition, 1849 371, 372

Field Newspaper, March 26, 1870 268


Figure of the Earth. By Johannes von Gumpach, 2nd edition, 1862. (Hardwicke.) 241, 243, 259


Good Words. Article by Sir John F. W. Herschel, Bart. 83

Gutch's Southampton Almanack and Time Tables 167


Handbook to the Official Catalogue of the Great Exhibition of 1851 59

Household Words, October 18, 1856 172

How to Observe the Heavens. By Dr. Lardner 332

Illustrated Almanack, 1864 131, 137

Illustrated London Almanack, 1847 329, 330

Illustrated London News, September 7, 1861 142


Is the World Flat or Round? By Captain George Peabody, F.R.G.S., 1871. (Bellows, Gloucester) 166, 168


Journal of the Society of Arts, May, 1850. A Paper on the Principles of Great Circle Sailing, by Mr. J. T. Towson, of Devonport 282


Lectures on Astronomy. By M. Arago 142, 145, 324, 325

Lectures on Chemistry. By Dr. Noad 145, 237

Lectures on Natural Philosophy. By Professor Partington 152

Leeds Mercury, April 20, 1867 96

Leisure Hour, October 11, 1862 38

Ditto, May 21, 1864 38

Lessons in Elementary Astronomy. By R. A. Proctor, B.A., F.R.A.S., 1871 276

Letter from a Correspondent in New Zealand, 1857 119

Letter from Lord Palmerston on gunnery in connection with the earth's rotation 70

Lighthouses of the World, 1862 (Lawrie) 29, 219

Life of Christ Zetetically considered. By Parallax. (In the Press.) 196

Literary Gazette, 1851 302

Liverpool Almanack 169

Liverpool Mercury, January 8 and June 3, 1867 92, 93

Ditto, May 23 and May 17, 1851 304, 305

London Journal, February 4, 1857 326

Ditto, July 18, 1857 37

London Saturday Journal, August 8, 1840 162

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Manchester Examiner, May 24, 1851 (Supplement) 305, 306

Marine Advertiser, September 19, 1871 264

Mayhew's Great World of London 37

Mayhew's Wonders of Science 203

McCulloch's Geography 131

Mechanic's Magazine, 1843 314

Ditto, May 20 and July 1, 1848 316, 318

Mechanism of the Heavens. By Dr. Olmstead, Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in Yale College, United States 153, 334

Memoirs of the Imperial Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg, 1859. By General von Schubert 250

Million of Facts. By Sir Richard Phillips 152, 165, 183, 238

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, March 9, 1860. Article by Norman Pogson, Esq. 133

Ditto, June 8, 1860 339

Ditto, December 9, 1859, and May 11, 1860 340

Morning Advertiser, September 16, 1871 127

Morning Star, March 3, 1858 133

Museum of Science. By Dr. Lardner 85, 144

Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition. By Lieutenant Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. 171, 179, 290, 291, 295

New Zealand. By Arthur S. Thompson, Esq., M.D. 120


Orbs of Heaven. By Mitchell 335

Ovid's Metamorphoses 366


Pamphlet by W. Swainson, Esq., Attorney-General for New Zealand, 1856 (Smith, Elder) 119

Paper by M. Babinet, read before the French Academy of Sciences, September 15, 1848 330

Paper on Polar Explorations, read before the Royal Dublin Society 118

Penny Cyclopædia. Article "Sea" 162

Philosophical Magazine, 1848 133, 149

Philosophical Transactions for 1800 376

Physical Description of the Heavens. By Alex. von Humboldt 137, 150, 158, 194, 338, 382

Physical Geography of the Sea. By Lieutenant Maury, U.S. 162

Physical Sciences. By Somerville 152

Polar Exploration. By W. Locke, of the Royal Dublin Society 177

Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, 1867 71

Professional Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers. By Major Colby 247, 248

Professor Hunt 383

Punch, May 10, 1851 309


Quiver, October 5, 1861 187, 200


Rambles of a Naturalist. By M. de Quatrefages 185

Recreative Science 136, 186, 187, 188

Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1846. Letter from Professor Oerstead 315

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Scientific Review, April, 1866 223.

Scientific Travels in Brazil. By MM. von Spix and Karl von Martius 287

Scotsman. Article by Mr. Charles Maclaren 308

Scripture Proofs.

That earth and seas are two distinct and independent regions, and not one great globe.--Psalms xxiv., 12, xxxvi., 6; 2 Peter, iii., 5. 364

That Heaven is above and Hell below the earth.--Deuteronomy xxvi., 15; Exodus xix., 20; Psalm cii., 19; Isaiah lxiii., 15; Psalm ciii., 2; 2 Kings ii., 11; Mark xvi., 10; Isaiah xiv., 13, 14; Acts i., 9-11, vii., 55; Luke xxiv., 51; Deuteronomy xxxii., 22; Job xi., 8; Psalms Iv., 15, cxxxix., 8; Proverbs vii., 27; Isaiah xiv., 15; Proverbs ix., 18, xv., 24; Isaiah xiv., 9; Ezekiel xxxi., 16, 17, xxxii., 27; Matthew xi., 23; 2 Peter ii., 4; Jude i., 6, 7, 13; Revelations xx., 10, 13, 14; Job xxviii., 5 386, 387, 388.

That the earth is a floating structure standing in and out of the waters.--Job xxv., 7 365

That the earth will be ultimately burnt up and destroyed.--Isaiah xxxiv., 4, lxvi., 15-22; 2 Thessalonians, i., 7, 8; Revelations xx., 11; 2 Peter iii., 10-13; Deuteronomy xxxii., 22; Revelations xxi., 1 392, 393.

That the "great deep," is fathomless.--Jeremiah xxxi., 37 367

That the stars are placed in the heavens to give light upon the earth.--Genesis i., 16, 17; Isaiah xiii., 10; Ezekiel xxxii., 7; Joel ii., 10; Psalm cxlviii., 3; Jeremiah xxxi., 35; Daniel xii., 3 380, 381

That the sun and moon are distinct lights.--Revelations vi., 12 380

That the sun and moon are lights to rule the day and night alternately, and to be "for signs and for seasons and for days and years."--Genesis i., 14-16; Psalm cxxxvi., 7-9; Jeremiah xxxi., 35; Ezekiel xxxii., 7, 8; Psalm cxlviii., 3; Isaiah xii., 10; Matthew xxiv., 29; Isaiah lx., 19, 20; Ecclesiastes xii., 2; Isaiah xxx., 26; Deuteronomy xxxiii., 14 378.

That the sun moves and is not a fixed body.--Psalm xix., 4-6; Ecclesiastes i., 5; Joshua x., 13; Judges v., 31; 2 Esdras iv., 34 369

That the supposition of the heavenly bodies being suns and systems of inhabited worlds is false.--Genesis 1.,1,16,17; Hebrews i., 2, xi., 3 372, 373

That the waters of the "great deep" sustain the land, and that there are waters below the earth.--Genesis xliv., 25; Exodus ix., 4; Deuteronomy iv., 18, xxxiii., 13 366

That where the word "world" is used in the plural number in Scripture, it means the material and spiritual world.--Hebrews ii., 5; Ephesians i., 21; Luke xviii., 29-30; Matthew xii., 32 374

The deluge consistent with the earth being a plane "founded on the seas."--Psalm civ., 6-8 395

Sir James South's Letter to the "Times" 339.

Six Lectures on Astronomy. By Professor Airey. 4th edition 240

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Smith's Rise and Progress of Astronomy 150

South Sea Voyages. By Sir James Clarke Ross, RN. 77, 170, 171, 259, 260, 278, 287, 292, 293

Spherical Form of the Earth. By J. Dyer 341

Standing Orders of the Houses of Lords and Commons on Railway Operations, 1862 56


The Dimensions of Ocean Waves. Paper read by Admiral Coupvent de Bois before the Academy of Sciences 222

The Earth. By Captain A. W. Drayson, Royal Artillery 248

The Moon. By W. R. Birt, F.R.A.S., in "Leisure Hour," July, 1871 336

Times Newspaper, September 18, 1848 332

Ditto, 1851 304

Ditto, June 10, 1863 188

Ditto, August 20, 1872 368

Tour through Creation. By Rev. Thomas Milner, M.A. 258

Treatise on Astronomy. By Sir J. W. F. Herschel 85, 149, 232, 246

Treatise on Mathematical Instruments. By J. F. Heather, M.A. (Weale & Co.) 43

Treatise on Navigation. By J. Greenwood, Esq. (Weale & Co.) 165, 282


Voyage towards the South Pole. By Captain James Weddell, F.R.S.E. 2nd edition, 1827 (Longman, Rees, & Co.) 170, 260, 297, 327

Voyage to the South. By Vasco de Gama 177


Wanderings in the East. By Rev. J. Gadsby, 1854 141

Webb, Rev. T., in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, May 11, 1860 340

Western Daily Mercury, October 25, 1864 218

Wise's Aeronautics 36

World's Birthday. By Professor L. Gaussen, Geneva 185, 326

Printed by JOHN B. DAY, "Savoy Steam Press," Savoy Street, Strand.