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Hymns of the Atharva Veda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1895], at

p. a42


Absolution and benediction

1From family sickness, kinsmen's curse, Destruction, from Druh,
   from Varuna's noose I free and save thee.
  With spell and prayer I make thee pure and sinless: to thee be
   both, the Earth and Heaven, auspicious!
2Gracious to thee be Agni with the Waters, let Soma with the
  Plants be kind and bless thee.
  From family sickness, kinsmen's curse, Destruction, from Druh,
   from Varuna's noose I thus release thee.
3May kind Wind strengthen thee in air's mid-region, to thee may
   heaven's four quarters be auspicious.
  From family sickness, kinsmen's curse, Destruction, from Druh,
   from Varuna's curse I thus release thee.
4These Goddesses, four regions of the heavens, on whom the
  Sun looks kindly, wives of Vāta—
  From family sickness, kinsmen's curse, Destruction, from Druh,
   from Varuna's noose I thus release thee.
5For long life, in the midst of these I set thee. Away pass Nirriti,
   away Consumption!
  From family sickness, kinsmen's curse, Destruction, from Druh,
   from Varuna's noose I thus release thee.
6Thou hast been freed from Phthisis and from trouble, from
   shame, and from the snare of Druh and Grain.
  From family sickness, kinsmen's curse, Destruction, from Druh,
   from Varuna's noose I thus release thee.p. a43
7Joy hast thou found, and left ill-will behind thee: thou hast
   attained the happy world of virtue.
  From family sickness, kinsmen's curse, Destruction, from Druh,
   from Varuna's noose I thus release thee.
8The Gods have freed from, sinfulness, redeeming the Sun, the
  Law from darkness and from Grāhi.
  From family sickness, kinsmen's curse, Destruction, from Druh,
   from Varuna's noose I thus release thee.
  With spell and prayer I make thee pure and sinless: to thee be
   both, the Earth and Heaven, auspicious!

Next: Hymn 11: Counter-charm, with an amulet, against an enemy's spell