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Hymns of the Atharva Veda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1895], at

p. a346


An enunciation of cosmogonical, ritual, and metrical doctrine

1Whence were these two produced? which was that region?'
  From what world, from which earth had they their being?
  Calves of Virāj, these two arose from water. I ask thee of these
   twain, who was their milker.
2He who prepared a threefold home, and lying there made the
   water bellow through his greatness,
  Calf of Virāj, giving each wish fulfilment, made bodies for him-
   self far off, in secret.
3Which are the three, the mighty three, whereof the fourth divides
   the voice,
  This may the Brāhman know by prayer and fervour, whereto
   belongs the one, whereto the other.
4Out of the Brihat as the sixth five Salmons have been fashioned
  From Brihatī was Brihat formed: whence was the Brihatī com-
5On measure Brihatī is based, and measure on the measurer:
  From magic might came magic might, from magic might came
6Vaisvānara's image is the sky above us, so far as Agni forced
   both spheres asunder. p. a347
  Thence from that region as the sixth come praise-songs, and
   every sixth day hence again go upward.
7We, Kagyapa! six present Rishis, ask thee—for thou hast prov-
   ed things tried and meet for trial
  They call Virāj the Father of Devotion: tell her to us thy
   friends in all her figures.
8She whom, advancing, sacrifices follow, and when she takes her
   station stand beside her,
  By whose control and hest the spirit moveth, she is Virāj, in
   highest heaven, O Rishis.
9Breathless, she moves by breath of living creatures, Svarāj pre-
   cedes, Virāj comes closely after.
  Some men behold her not, and some behold her, Virāj meet-
   shaped, who thinks of all existence.
10Who hath perceived Virāj's duplication, perceived her seasons
   and her rule and practice?
  Who knows her steps, how oft, how far extended, who knows
   her home and number of her dawnings?
11She here who first of all sent forth her lustre moves onward
   resting on these lower creatures.
  Exalted power and might are stored within her: the woman
   hath prevailed, the new-come mother.
12Both Dawns on wings of song, with rich adornment, move on
   together to their common dwelling.
  Sūrya's two wives, unwasting, most prolific, knowing their way,
   move, rich in light, together.
13The three have passed along the path of Order—three warm
   libations have regarded offspring
  One quickens progeny, one strengthens vigour, and one protects
   the kingdom of the pious.
14She who was fourth was made by Agni, Soma, and Rishis as.
   they formed both halves of worship,
  Gāyatrī, Trishtup, Jagatī, Anushtup, Brihadarki lightening the
15Five milkings answer to the fivefold dawning, five seasons to
   the cow who bears five titles.
  The five sky-regions made fifteen in number, one head have
   these to one sole world directed.
16Six Elements arose, first-born of Order: the six-day time is
   carried by six Sāmans. p. a348
  Six-yoked the plough is, as each trace is numbered: they call
   both broad ones six; six, Earth and Heaven.
17They call the cold months six, and six the hot ones. Which, tell
   us, of the seasons is redundant?
  Seven sages, eagles, have sat down together: seven metres
   match the seven Consecrations.
18Seven are the Homas, seven the logs for burning, seven are the
   streams of mead, and seven the seasons.
  Into the world have come seven streams of butter; those we
   have heard of as the Seven Vultures.
19Seven metres, by four syllables increasing, each of the seven
   founded upon another
  How are the hymns of praise on these supported, and how are
   these imposed upon the praise-songs?
20How hath the Gāyatri filled out three triads? On the fifteen
   how is the Trishtup moulded,
  Jagatī fashioned on the three-and-thirty? How is Anushtup
   formed? how Ekavinsa?
21Eight Elements sprang up, first born of Order: the Priests
   divine are eight in number, Indra!
  Eight are the wombs of Aditi, eight her children; for the eighth
   night is the libation destined.
22So planning bliss for you have I come hither to win your
   friendship: kind am I, and gracious.
  Born from one source, propitious is your wisdom: knowing
   full well to all of you it cometh.
23To Indra eight, to Yama six, seven to the Rishis, seven to
  The number five accompanies waters and men and healing
24The Heifer, all his own, poured forth for Indra control and
   milk at her first time of milking;
  And he then satisfied the four divisions, the Gods and men and
  Asuras and Rishis.
25Who is the Cow? Who is the Single Rishi? What is the law,
   what are the benedictions?
  What on the earth is the one only Spirit? Which of the number
   is the Single Season?
26One is the Cow, one is the Single Spirit, one is the law, single
   are benedictions. p. a349
  The Spirit dwelling on the earth is single: the Single Season
   never is transcended.

Next: Hymn 10: A glorification of the mystical abstraction Virāj