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Rig Veda, tr. by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1896], at

HYMN XC. Viśvedevas.

1. MAY Varuṇa with guidance straight, and Mitra lead us, he who knows,
And Aryaman in accord with Gods.
2 For they are dealers forth of wealth, and, not deluded, with their might
Guard evermore the holy laws.
3 Shelter may they vouchsafe to us, Immortal Gods to mortal men,
Chasing our enemies away.
4 May they mark out our paths to bliss, Indra, the Maruts, Pūṣan,
and Bhaga, the Gods to be adored.
5 Yea, Pūṣan, Viṣṇu, ye who run your course, enrich our hymns with kine;
Bless us with all prosperity.
6 The winds waft sweets, the rivers pour sweets for the man who keeps the Law
So may the plants be sweet for us.
7 Sweet be the night and sweet the dawns, sweet the terrestrial atmosphere;
Sweet be our Father Heaven to us.
8 May the tall tree be full of sweets for us, and full of sweets the Sun:
May our milch-kine be sweet for us.
9 Be Mitra gracious unto us, and Varuṇa and Aryaman:
Indra, Bṛhaspati be kind, and Viṣṇu of the mighty stride.

Next: HYMN XCI. Soma.