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Vedic Hymns, Part I (SBE32), by Max Müller, [1891], at

ûtí, protection, help, favour: ûtíh, II, 34, 15; VII, 59, 4; ûtî´, instr., I, 64, 13; 172, 1:1; VII, 57, 7; 59, 9:1; 10; ûtáye, II, 34, 14; VIII, 7, 6; ûtáyah, I, 167, 1; V, 54, 7; I, 134, 2; ûtí-bhih, favours, I, 39, 8; 9; VII, 58, 3; VIII, 20, 24; ûtíshu, VIII, 20, 15.

û´dhan and û´dhar, udder: û´dhah divyâ´ni, the heavenly udders (clouds), I, 64, 5.—û´dhani, II, 34, 2:3; 6.—û´dhah, II, 34, 10; VI, 66, 1; VII, 56, 4:1.

û´ma, guardian: û´mâsah, I, 166, 3; û´mâh, V, 52, 12; X, 77, 8.

û´rnâ, wool: û´rnâh vasata, V, 52, 9:1.

ûrnu: ápa ûrnute, she uncovers, II, 34, 12:1.

ûrdhvá, erect: ûrdhvâ´ krinavante, they stir up, I, 88, 3:1; ûrdhvám nunudre, they pushed up, I, 85, 10; 88, 4; ûrdhvâ´ santu, may they stand erect, I, 171, 3:1; ûrdhvâ´n nah karta, lift us up, I, 172, 3; ûrdhvâ´ tishthatu, may (the dawn) stand erect, I, 134, 1:2.

ûrmí, wave: ûrmáyah, I, 168, 2.

û´rmyâ, night: ûrmye, V, 61, 17:1.

ûh, see vah.

ûh, to watch: ohate, V, 52, 20; 11; ní ohate, V, 52, 11.—ohate (sakhitvé), he is counted (in your friendship), VIII, 7, 31.

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