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Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at


ukthá, hymn, litany, I, 27, 12; 71, 2; 140, 13; II, 8, 5; III, 5, 2; 13, 6; 20, 1; IV, 3, 4; 16; 6, 11; 11, 3; V, 4, 7; 6, 9; 18, 4.

ukthávâhas, (I, 127, 8:1).

uktha-sás, chanting litanies, IV, 2, 16.

ukthín, rich in hymns, III, 12, 5.

ukthyà, praiseworthy, I, 79, 12; III, 2, 13; 15; 10, 6; 26, 2; V, 26, 6.

uksh, to sprinkle: aúkshan, III, 9, 9; satyám ukshan, IV, 1, 10.

uksh, to grow. See vaksh.

ukshán, bull, I, 146, 2; II, 7, 5; III, 7, 6; 7:2; V, 27, 5.

ugrá, strong, mighty, I, 127, 11; III, 26, 5; IV, 2, 18:3.

Ugrá-deva: ugrá-devam, I, 36, 18:1.

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ukátha, hymn, I, 73, 10; 143, 6; IV, 2, 20; V, 12, 3.

uttâná: uttânâ´, lying extended on her back, II, 10, 3:1; III, 29, 3:2; V, I, 3:4;—nyàṅ uttânáh, spread out downwards-turned, IV, 13, 5.

uttâná-hasta, with outstretched hand, III, 14, 5:1

ut-vát: ut-vátah ni-vátah, to the heights and to the depths, III, 2, 10.

útsa, spring, III, 26, 9.

udanyầ, of water, II, 7, 3.

údyata-sruk, the sacrificer who raises the spoon, I, 31, 5.

und, to moisten: havyám undán, II, 3, 2.

upa-â´bhrit, the bringing: ûrgâ´m upa-â´bhriti, I, 128, 2.

úpa-iti, approaching, supplication, I, 76, 1:1; III, 18, 1.

upa-kshet, follower, III, 1, 16.

upabdí, noise produced by going, I, 74, 7:1.

upa-mâ´, high up, I, 31, 15:1

upamâ´, likeness, (I, 31, 15:1).

upa-mâ´da, enjoyment, III, 5, 5.

upa-mít, supporting, I, 59, 1:3; pillar, IV, 5, 1.

úpara, lower, I, 79, 3:3; 128, 3; úparâsu, in our neighbourhood, I, 127, 5:2; úparasya, nearer, IV, 2, 18:6; úparân, getting behind, II, 4, 9:1.

upa-vakt, the U. priest, IV, 9, 5:1.

upás, lap: upási (conj. for apási), (III, 1, 3:3; 11:4).

upa-sád, sitting down (reverentially), II, 6, 1:1.

Upa-stutá, I, 36, 10:1; 17:1.

úpa-stuti, praise, I, 148, 2.

upá-stha, lap, I, 95, 4; 5; pitróh upá-sthe, I, 31, 9; 146, 1; III, 5, 8; 26, 9; apâ´m upá-sthe, I, 144, 2; mâtúh upá-sthe, III, 8, 1; 29, 14; V, 1, 6; 19, 1.

upa-sthâ´yam karati, he goes to greet them, I, 145, 4:3.

úpâka, neighbouring, I, 142, 7; III, 4, 6.

upâké, near at hand, I, 27, 6; IV, 10, 5; 11, I.

úpeti, see úpa-iti.

ubh: ubdhám, closed, IV, 1, 15;—sám-ubdham, confined, V, 2, 1:1.

ubhá, both; ubhâ´ for ubhé, I, 140, 3:1; ubhé iti toké íti tánaye, I, 147, 1:3.

ubháya, both, I, 26, 9:1; 31, 7; ubháyân, both (kinds of men, the pious and the impious), I, 189, 7:2; of both kinds (wealth), II, 9, 5:1.

urú, wide: urú ksháyâya kakrire, I, 36, 8; urvî´, the wide (Earth), I, 146, 2; II, 4, 7; urú, wide space, III, 1, 11:1.

uru-gâyá, wide-ruling, II, 1, 3; III, 6, 4:5; IV, 3, 7; 14, 1.

uru-gráyas, extending over wide spaces, V, 8, 6.

uru-vyáñk, far-reaching, V, 1, 12.

uru-sámsa, widely-renowned: uru-sámsâya, I, 31, 14.

urushy, to guard, deliver: urushya, I, 58, 8; 9; IV, 2, 6; to keep off: áditim urushya, IV, 2, 11:3; urushyát, he has escaped into wide space, III, 5, 8.

urvárâ, field, I, 127, 6.

Urvásî: urvásîh, IV, 2, 18:4.

urviyâ´, far and wide, I, 141, 5; II, 3, 5; III, 1, 18; V, 18, 1.

ulkâ´, firebrand, IV, 4, 2.

us, see vas.

usádhak, eagerly burning, III, 6, 7:3.

Usíg, (Agni) the Usig (or willing one), III, 3, 7; 8; 11, 2:1; 27, 10:3;—pl., the Usigs, mythical priests, I, 60, 2:1; 4; 128, 1:2; 189, 7; II, 4, 5:3; III, 2, 4:2; 9; 15, 3:2; IV, 1, 15:1; V, 3, 4.

ush, to burn down: ushnán, II, 4, 7;—ní oshatât, burn down, IV, 4, 4.

ush, to shine. See vas.

ushah-búdh, awakening with the dawn, I, 44, 1; 9; 65, 9; 127, 10; III, 2, 14; IV, 6, 8.

ushár, dawn: usrâ´h, gen. sing., I, 71, 2:2.

ushás, dawn, I, 71, 1; 94, 5; ushásah návedâh, I, 79, 1:3; vástoh ushásah, I, 79, 6; doshâ´ ushási, II, 8, 3; IV, 2, 8; práti doshâ´m ushásam, IV, 12, 2; ushásah vi-roké, III, 5, 2; ushásah ví-ushtau, III, 15, 2; IV, 1, 5; 14, 4;—Dawn, the goddess, I, 44, 1:1; 2; 8; 14; III, 17, 3:1; 20, 1; IV, 2, 15; 3, 11:2; V, 1, p. 436 1; 28, 1; usháh gâráh, lover of the Dawn, I, 69, 1:1; 9; devî´ ushâ´h, III, 20, 5; IV, 1, 17; 14, 3; doshâ´m ushásam, Night and Morning, V, 5, 6;—du., náktâ ka ushásâ, I, 73, 7; ushásau, the two Dawns, Night and Dawn, I, 188, 6:2; III, 4, 6:1; 14, 3; V, 1, 4;—ushásah, the Dawns, I, 44, 10; II, 2, 2; 7; 8; III, 5, 1; IV, 1, 13:3; 2, 19; 5, 13; 14, 1; usháh vibhâtî´h, III, 6, 7; ushásah ûshuh, III, 7, 10; ushásâm ágram, IV, 13, 1.

ushásânáktâ, Dawn and Night, II, 3, 6.

usrá, bright, I, 69, 9.

usrâ´, milch-cow, IV, 1, 13; see also ushar.

usríyâ, ruddy cow, III, 1, 12:4; IV, 5, 8:2; 9.

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