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Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at


ganá, troop: ganám-ganam, III, 26, 6; crowd, V, 1, 3.

nya, belonging to the host, III, 7, 5.

gabhîrá, deep, IV, 5, 5:3; 6.

gam, to go: gagamyât, I, 58, 9; pari-sádantah agman, IV, 2, 17:4;—ákkha gamema, we may obtain, IV, 5, 13;—sám-gatâni, comprised, I, 31, 5:1; sam-gagmânâ´su krishtíshu, when the human tribes met (in battle), I, 74, 2; mánasâ sám gagmúh, they agreed in their mind, III, 1, 13.

gáya, home, I, 74, 2; dominion, V, 10, 3.

gárbha, womb, I, 65, 4; 148, 5;—fruit of the womb, germ, I, 95, 2; 4; 146, 5; II, 10, 3; III, 1, 6; 10:1; 2, 10; 29, 2; 11; V, 2, 2; bhûtâ´nâm gárbham, III, 27, 9;—child, son: gárbhah apâ´m, vánânâm, &c., I, 70, 3; III, 1, 12; 13; 5, 3; gárbhah vîrúdhâm, II, 1, 14; dádhate gárbham, IV, 7, 9:1.

garbhínî, pregnant, III, 29, 2.

garh, to blame: garhase, IV, 3, 5.

gavishá, see go-ishá.

gávishti, see gó-ishti.

Gávishthira, V, 1, 12.

gávya, of the cows, I, 72, 8; IV, 2, 17;—bliss in cows, I, 140, 13.

gavyát, longing for the cows, IV, 1, 15.

gâ, to go: pra-gígatah, coming forward, I, 150, 2.

gâ, to sing: ákkha agním gâsi, V, 25, 1:1.

gâtú, path, course, I, 71, 2; 72, 9; 95, 10; 96, 4; III, 1, 2; 4, 4.

gâyatrá, Gâyatra song, I, 12, 11; 27, 4; 79, 7; 188, 11.

gâyatrá-vepas, moved by the Gâyatra song, I, 142, 12.

gâh, to dive: áti gâhemahi, II, 7, 3.

gír, praise, prayer, I, 26, 5; 59, 4:1; II, 2, 1:2, &c.

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girí, hill, I, 65, 5.

gírvanas, loving praises, I, 45, 2; II, 6, 3.

gu: góguve, he ha; loudly praised, I, 127, 10:2.

gur: gugurvánî íti, eager in praising, 1, 142, 8;—abhí guguryâh, approve, I, 140, 13.

gurú, heavy: mántrah gurúh, I, 147, 4.

guh, to hide: guhámânah, IV, 1, 11.

gúh, covert: guhâ´ gúham, I, 67, 6:3.

gúhâ, in secret, I, 65, 1; 67, 3; II, 4, 9:1; III, 1, 9; 14; V, 2, 1; 15, 5; gúhâ bhávantam, sántam, the hidden one, I, 67, 7; 141, 3; III, 5, 10; V, 8, 3; gúhâ hitám, hidden, IV, 5, 8:1; 7, 6; V, 11, 6.

gúhya, secret, I, 72, 6; IV, 5, 10; V, 3, 2; 3; 5, 10.

gri, to praise, I, 44, 6, &c.; grinîte, he is praised, I, 79, 12:1;—deshnám abhí grinîhi, hail our gift, II, 9, 4; abhí grinîtáh, they salute, III, 6, 10; gírah abhí grinâ´ti, he responds to my hymns, V, 27, 3.

gri: gâgri-vâ´msah, having awoke, III, 10, 9; ágîgar íti, he has awakened, V, 1, 3:1. See gri.

gtsa, clever, III, 1 , 2; 19, 1; IV, 5, 2.

Gritsa-madá: gritsa-madâ´sah, II, 4, 9.

gridhnú, greedy, I, 70, 11:2.

grihá-pati, master of the house, I, 12, 6; 36, 5; 60, 4; II, 1, 2:3; IV, 9, 4; 11, 5; V, 8, 1; 2.

gó, cow, I, 31, 12, &c.; 95, 8:1; V, 1, 3:2; 3, 2:2; ástam ná gâ´vah, I, 66, 9; û´dhah ná gónâm, I, 69, 3; puru-dámsam saním góh, III, 1, 23; ékâ gaúh, III, 7, 23; gúhyam nâ´ma gónâm, V, 3, 3; ávindat gâ´h, V, 14, 4:1; ánasvantâ gâ´vâ, two oxen with a car, V, 27, 1.

gó-agra, at the head of which are cows, II, 1, 16:1.

go-ishá, fighting for cows, IV, 13, 2:3.

gó-ishti, 'striving for cows,' battle, I, 36, 8; (45, 7:1).

gó-rigîka, (I, 44, 3:1).

Gótama, 1, 79, 10; IV, 4, 11; pl., the Gotamas, I, 60, 5; 77, 5; 78, 1; 2:1.

gopâ´, shepherd, guardian, protector, I, 96, 7; II, 9, 2; 6; III, 15, 2; V, 2, 5; 11, I; 12, 4; gopâm ritásya, I, 1, 8; III, 10, 2; visâ´m gopâ´h, I, 94, 5:1; 96, 4.

gó-mat, rich in, or consisting in, cows, I, 79, 4; III, 16, 1; IV, 2, 5:1; V, 4, 11; 24, 2; vragám gó-mantam, full of cows, IV, 1, 15.

gaurî´, buffalo cow: gauryàm, IV, 12, 6.

gnâ´, wife, IV, 9, 4:1.

gnâ´vat, accompanied by the divine wives: gnâ´vah (conj. gnâvah), II, 1, 5:1.

grábhana-vat, a firm hold, I, 127, 5:5.

grâ´ma, hamlet, I, 44, 10.

grâ´van, pressing-stone (of the Soma), IV, 3, 3:1; V, 25, 8:1.

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