Sacred Texts  Jainism 

Medieval Jain decorative art [Public Domain Image]
Medieval Jain decorative art [Public Domain Image]

Jaina Sutras, Part II

by Hermann Jacobi

Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 45


Contents    Start Reading    Page Index    Text [Zipped]


This is volume 45 of the Sacred Books of the East, Part Two of the Hermann Jacobi translation of the Jaina Sutras.

As is the practice at this site, the typography of the original has been preserved as far as possible. This means that italics are used to indicate distinctions between consonants in transliterated Sanskrit and Prakrit. The system used is documented on the charts attached to the Sacred Books of the East page. Most notably in this system, 'j' (roughly, the initial sound of the English word 'jam') is written g, hence the spelling Gain throughout, which is pronounced 'Jain.' This book is normally cited as 'Jaina Sutras' in modern publications and bibliographies.

Title Page


First Lecture. On Discipline
Second Lecture. On Troubles
Third Lecture. The Four Requisites
Fourth Lecture. Impurity
Fifth Lecture. Death Against One's Will
Sixth Lecture. The False Ascetic
Seventh Lecture. The Parable of the Ram, etc.
Eighth Lecture. Kapila's Verses
Ninth Lecture. The Pravragyâ of King Nami
Tenth Lecture. The Leaf of the Tree
Eleventh Lecture. The Very Learned
Twelfth. Lecture Harikêsa
Thirteenth Lecture. Kitra and Sambhûta
Fourteenth Lecture. Ishukâra
Fifteenth Lecture. The True Monk
Sixteenth Lecture. The Ten Conditions of Perfect Chastity
Seventeenth Lecture. The Bad Sramana
Eighteenth Lecture Sañgaya
Nineteenth Lecture. The Son of Mri
Twentieth Lecture. The Great Duty of the Nirgranthas
Twenty-First Lecture. Samudrapâla
Twenty-Second Lecture. Rathanêmi
Twenty-Third Lecture. Kêsi and Gautama
Twenty-Fourth Lecture. The Samitis
Twenty-Fifth Lecture. The True Sacrifice
Twenty-Sixth Lecture. The Correct Behaviour
Twenty-Seventh Lecture. The Bad Bullocks
Twenty-Eighth Lecture. The Road to Final Deliverance
Twenty-Ninth Lecture. The Exertion in Righteousness
Thirtieth Lecture. The Road of Penance
Thirty-First Lecture. Mode of Life
Thirty-Second Lecture. The Causes of Carelessness
Thirty-Third Lecture. The Nature of Karman
Thirty-Fourth Lecture. On Lês
Thirty-Fifth Lecture. The Houseless Monk
Thirty-Sixth Lecture. On Living Beings and Things Without Life


Book 1, Lecture 1: The Doctrine, Chapter 1
Book 1, Lecture 1, Chapter 2
Book 1, Lecture 1, Chapter 3
Book 1, Lecture 1, Chapter 4
Book 1, Lecture 2: The Destruction of Karman, Chapter 1
Book 1, Lecture 2, Chapter 2
Book 1, Lecture 2, Chapter 3
Book 1, Lecture 3: The Knowledge of Troubles, Chapter 1
Book 1, Lecture 3, Chapter 2
Book 1, Lecture 3, Chapter 3
Book 1, Lecture 3, Chapter 4
Book 1, Lecture 4: Knowledge of Women, Chapter 2
Book 1, Lecture 4, Chapter 2
Book 1, Lecture 5: Description of the Hells, Chapter 1
Book 1, Lecture 5, Chapter 2
Book 1, Lecture 6: Praise Of Mahâvîra
Book 1, Lecture 7: Description of the Wicked
Book 1, Lecture 8: On Exertion
Book 1, Lecture 9: The Law
Book 1, Lecture 10: Carefulness
Book 1, Lecture 11: The Path
Book 1, Lecture 12: The Creed
Book 1, Lecture 13: The Real Truth
Book 1, Lecture 14: The Nirgrantha
Book 1, Lecture 15, The Yamakas
Book 1, Lecture 16, The Song
Book 2, Lecture 1, The Lotus
Book 2, Lecture 2: On Activity
Book 2, Lecture 3: Knowledge of Food
Book 2, Lecture 4: Renunciation of Activity
Book 2, Lecture 5: Freedom from Error
Book 2, Lecture 6: Ârdraka
Book 2, Lecture 7: Nâlandâ
Index of Names and Subjects
Index of Sanskrit and Prâkrit Words Occurring in the Text and the Notes