Sacred Texts

The Union Haggadah, ed. by The Central Council of American Rabbis [1923], at

p. 37 p. 38
The Watch-night of the Eternal
IN EVERY generation, each Jew should regard himself as though he too were brought out of Egypt. Not our fathers alone, but us also, did the Holy One redeem; for not alone in Egypt but in many other lands, have we groaned under the burden of affliction and suffered as victims of malice, ignorance and fanaticism. This very night which we, a happy generation, celebrate so calmly and safely and joyfully in our habitations was often turned into a night of anxiety and of suffering for our people in former times. Cruel mobs were ready to rush upon them and to destroy their homes and the fruit of their labors. But undauntedly they clung to their faith in the ultimate triumph of right and of freedom. Champions of God, they marched from one Egypt into anotherdriven in haste, their property a prey to the rapacious foe, with their bundles on their shoulders, and God in their hearts.
Because God, "the Guardian of Israel, who sleepeth not nor slumbereth" revealed Himself on that Watch-night in Egypt and in all dark periods of our past, as the Redeemer of the enslaved, we keep this as a Watch-night for all the Children of Israel, dedicated to God our redeemer.
p. 39 p. 40
While enjoying the liberty of this land, let us strive to make secure also our spiritual freedom, that, as the delivered, we may become the deliverer, carrying out Israel's historic task of being the messenger of religion unto all mankind.
All read in unison:
So it is our duty to thank, praise and glorify God, who brought us and our forefathers from slavery unto freedom, from sorrow unto joy, from mourning unto festive gladness, from darkness unto light. Let us therefore proclaim His praise.

p. 41

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