BUIDHEACHAS duit, Athair Naomha na Gloir, Athair chaomha bhith-bheo, bhith-threin, Thaobh gach foghair, gach fabhair, gach foir, Tha thu bairigeadh oirnne ’n ar feum; Ge b’e freasdal thig oirnn mar do chlann, ’N ar cuibhrionn, ’n ar crann, ’n ar ceum, Tabhair ’na chuideachd dhuinn soirbhis do laimh Agus suilbhireachd saibhir do bheuil.
Ta sinn ciontach is truaillidh, a Dhe, Ann an Spiorad, an cre, is an corp, Ann an smuain, am focal, am beus, Tha sinn cruaidh ’na do leirsinn ’s an olc. Cuir-sa tabhachd do ghraidh dhuinn an ceill. Bi leum thairis thar sleibhtean ar lochd, Is nigh sinn am fior-fhuil na reit Mar chanach an t-sleibh, mar leuig an loch.
An slighe chorraich choitchinn ar gairm, Biodh i soirbh no doirbh do ar feoil, Biodh i soilleir no doilleir ri seirm, Do threorachadh foirfe biodh oirnn. Bi ’n ad sgeith dhuinn bho chuilbh an fhir-cheilg, Bho’n chreach-cheilgneach ta le dheilg air ar toir, Is anns gach run gheobh ar curam r’a dheilbh, Bi-sa fein air ar failm is aig ar sgod. |
THANKS be to Thee, Holy Father of Glory, Father kind, ever-loving, ever-powerful, Because of all the abundance, favour, and deliverance That Thou bestowest upon us in our need. Whatever providence befalls us as thy children, In our portion, in our lot, in our path, Give to us with it the rich gifts of Thine hand And the joyous blessing of Thy mouth.
We are guilty and polluted, O God, In spirit, in heart, and in flesh, In thought, in word, in act, We are hard in Thy sight in sin. Put Thou forth to us the power of Thy love, Be thou leaping over the mountains of our transgressions, And wash us in the true blood of conciliation, Like the down of the mountain, like the lily of the lake.
In the steep common path of our calling, Be it easy or uneasy to our flesh, Be it bright or dark for us to follow, Thine own perfect guidance be upon us. Be Thou a shield to us from the wiles of the deceiver, From the arch-destroyer with his arrows pursuing us, And in each secret thought our minds get to weave, Be Thou Thyself on our helm and at our sheet. |
Ged bhiodh madruich is gadruich gar sgaradh bho’n chro, Biodh Aoghar crodha na gloir air ar sgath. Ge be cuis no cion-fath no cion-sgeoil Bhios gu leireadh no leoin thoir ’n ar dail, No bheir fianuis ’n ar n-aghaidh fa-dheoidh, Taobh thall abhuinn mhor an dubh-sgail, O duabharaich thusa sin oirnn, Is as ar cridhe dean fhogradh gu brath.
Nis dh’ an Athair a chruthaich gach creubh, Nis dh’ an Mhac a phaigh eirig a shloigh, Nis dh’ an Spiorad an Comhfhurtair treun:-- Bi d’ ar dion is d’ ar seun bho gach leon, Bi mu thus is mu dheireadh ar reis, Bi toir dhuinn a bhi seinn ann an gloir, Ann an sith, ann am fois, ann an reit, Far nach silear an deur, far nach eugar ni ’s mo. Far nach silear an deur, far nach eugar ni ’s mo. |
Though dogs and thieves would reive us from the fold, Be Thou the valiant Shepherd of glory near us. Whatever matter or cause or propensity, That would bring to us grief, or pains, or wounds, Or that would bear witness against us at the last, On the other side of the great river of dark shadows, Oh! do Thou obscure it from our eyes, And from our hearts drive it for ever.
Now to the Father who created each creature, Now to the Son who paid ransom for His people, Now to the Holy Spirit, Comforter of might:-- Shield and sain us from every wound; Be about the beginning and end of our race, Be giving us to sing in glory, In peace, in rest, in reconciliation, Where no tear shall be shed, where death comes no more. Where no tear shall be shed, where death comes no more. |