Sacred Texts  Parapsychology 

Extra-Sensory Perception

by J.B. Rhine


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Although this was not the first appearance of the term 'Extrasensory Perception' in print, this book was the first one which brought ESP to the foreground. Even in Mental Radio, which preceded this study (in 1930), there was no general agreement as to what to call the phenomena.

J. B. Rhine, the author of this study, and the organizer of the famous Duke ESP laboratory, attempted to create standardized terminology and methodologies (such as the Zener card deck) for studying these mental abilities. Rhine empiricized the study of ESP; instead of making wild speculations about ghosts, angels, spirits, or the akashic plane, he started from the point of view of a scientist. Rhine asked questions such as: How do we measure this in a controlled experiment? Can we reproduce the results? What parameters of the experiment can we alter, and what effects of this can we measure?

Rhine found that some individuals could reliably demonstrate telepathy and clairvoyance in laboratory settings. The subjects did better when alert, and therefore, not surprisingly, caffeine seemed to improve ESP. Accuracy did not seem to drop off at distance (even hundreds of miles), which probably means that it is not some kind of inverse-square-law radiation. Alas, 'Mental Radio!' Mental Internet is probably closer to reality...

ESP is very puzzling, and more common that might be expected. Decades later, we are still waiting for some kind of explanation of this from conventional science.

Title Page
List of Illustrations
Introduction by Dr. Walter Franklin Prince
List of Abbreviations

Part I. General Introduction

Chapter 1. Clarification of the Problem
Chapter 2. Historical Background
Appendix to Chapter 2. Mathematics of Probability Used in Evaluation

Part II. The Experimental Results

Chapter 3. A General Survey
Chapter IV. Earlier and Minor Experiments
Chapter 5. A. J. Linzmayer
Chapter 6. Charles E. Stuart
Chapter 7. Hubert E. Pearce, Jr.
Chapter 8. Five Other Major Subjects

Part III. Explanation and Discussion

Chapter 9. Elimination of Negative Hypotheses
Chapter 10. Physical Conditions in the Functioning of E.S.P.
Chapter 11. Some Physiological Conditions Affecting E.S.P.
Chapter 12. The Psychological Conditions and Bearings of the Results
Chapter 13. E.S.P. From the Viewpoint of General Parapsychology
Chapter 14. Some General Biological Considerations
Chapter 15. Summary and Concluding Remarks
Appendix to Chapter 15. Suggestions to Those Who May Care to Repeat These Experiments
Second Appendix to Chapter 15.