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The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE29), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1886], at

p. 389


1-3. Of the sacrifices of the new and full moon, the full-moon sacrifice should be performed first.

2. If (the term for the sacrifice) of the new moon comes first, he should first celebrate the full-moon sacrifice and then perform that.

3. Some say that he should not perform it, and wait till the day of the full moon.

4. In the afternoon, husband and wife, after having bathed, should eat fast-day food.

5-8. Mânadantavya has said: 'He who eats fast-day food, obtains offspring better than himself; he gains favour; hunger will not attack him.'

6. Therefore one should eat (fast-day food) which he likes.

7. He should do nothing unholy (such as cohabiting with his wife).

8. After he has sacrificed the morning oblation,

9-16. He should pour out the sacrificial food with (the formula), 'Agreeable to such and such (a deity) I pour thee out:' (this formula) referring to the

II, 1, 1. paurnamâsopakramau darsapaurnamâsau. 2. dârsam ket pûrvam upapadyeta paurnamâseneshtvâtha tat kuryâd. 3. akurvan paurnamâsîm âkâṅkshed ity eke. 4. parâhne snâtvaupavasathikam dampatî bhuñgîyâtâm. 5. Mânadantavya uvâka: sreyasîm pragâm vindate kâmyo bhavaty akshodhuko ya aupavasathikam bhuṅkte. 6. tasmâd yat kâmayeta tad bhuñgîta. 7. nâvratyam âkaret. 8. prâtarâhutim hutvâ 9. havir nirvaped amushmai tvâ gushtam nirvapâmîti devatâsrayam sakrid yagur vâ dvis tûshnîm.

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deity, or a Yagus, (is repeated) once; twice (it is done) silently.

10. He should wash (the food) thrice, (if it is destined) for gods;

11. Twice, if for men;

12. Once, if for the Fathers.

13. Stirring it up with the pot-ladle from the left to the right he should cook it.

14. When he has cooked it, he should sprinkle (Âgya) on it, should take it from the fire towards the north, and should again sprinkle (Âgya) on it.

15. Thus all kinds of Havis (are prepared).

16. Having put (the Havis) on the sacrificial grass,

17 17-27. He should sacrifice the two Âgya portions (in the following way): Having taken four portions of Âgya—five portions are taken by the Bhrigus (or at least?) by the Gâmadagnyas [see Indische Studien, 10, 95]—(he should make two oblations), to the north with (the formula), 'To Agni Svâhâ!' to the south with (the formula), 'To Soma Svâhâ!'

18. Others (do it) conversely.

19. Having 'spread under' Âgya, he should cut off with the pot-ladle (portions) of the Havis from the middle and from the eastern side;

10. trir devebhyah prakshâlayed. 11. dvir manushyebhyah. 12. sakrit pitribhyo. 13. mekshanena pradakshinam udâyuvañ srapayek. 14. khritam abhighâryodag udvâsya pratyabhighârayet. 15. sarvâny evam havîmshi. 16. barhishy âsâdyâ. 17. gyabhâgau guhuyâk katurgrihîtam âgyam grihîtvâ pañkâvattam Bhrinâm Gâmadagnyânâm Agnaye svâhety uttaratah Somâyeti dakshinato. 18. viparîtam itara. 19. âgyam upastîrya havishovadyen mekshanena madhyât purastâd iti.

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20. One who takes five cut-off portions (see Sûtra 17), also from the western side.

21. After he has sprinkled (Âgya) on (the cut-off portions), he anoints the places from which he has cut them off, (with Âgya).

22. (This anointing) is omitted at the Svishtakrit oblation.

23. He should sacrifice with (the formula), 'To N.N. Svâhâ!'—according to the god to whom the oblation belongs.

24. At the Svishtakrit oblation he 'spreads under' once—twice if he is a Bhrigu—(cuts off) once (a portion) of the Havis, sprinkles (Âgya) on it twice, and sacrifices it in a north-eastern direction with (the formula), 'To Agni Svishtakrit Svâhâ!

25. Having put a piece of wood (on the fire),

26. He should dip Darbha-blades (of the sacrificial grass strewn round the fire) three times, the points, the middle, and the roots, into the Âgya or into the Havis with (the words), 'May the birds come, licking what has been anointed.' Then, after having sprinkled (those Darbha-blades with water), he should throw them into the fire, with (the verse), 'Thou who art the lord of cattle, Rudra, who walkest with the lines (of cattle), the manly one: do no harm to our cattle; let this be offered to thee. Svâhâ!'

20. paskak ka pañkâvatty. 21. abhighârya pratyanakty avadânasthânâni. 22. na svishtakrito. 23. mushmai svâheti guhuyâd yaddevatyam syât. 24. svishtakritah sakrid upastîrya dvir Bhrinâm sakrid dhavisho [sic] dvir abhighâryâgnaye svishtakrite svâheti prâgudîkm guhuyât. 25. samidham âdhâya. 26. darbhân âgye havishi vi trir avadhâyâgramadhyamûlâny aktam rihânâ viyantu vaya ity abhyukshyâgnâv anuprahared yah pasûnâm adhipatî Rudras tantikaro vrishâ pasûn asmâkam mâ himsîr etad astu hutan tava svâheti.

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27. This (ceremony is called) Yagñavâstu.

28 28. He should perform it at all (sacrifices).

29 29-31. The remnants of the Havis he should take away in a northern direction, and should give them to the Brahman.

30. A full vessel constitutes the fee for the sacrifice;

31. Or as much as he can afford.

27. tad yagñavâstu. 28. sarvatra kuryâd. 29. dhavir ukkhishtam udag udvâsya brahmane dadyât. 30. pûrnapâtram dakshinâ. 31. yathotsâham vâ.


389:1-3 II, 1,1-3 desunt.

389:4 4 = Gobhila I, 5, 26.

389:5-8 5-8 = I, 6, 1-13.

389:9-16 9-16 (15 deest) = I, 7, 2-19.

390:17-27 17-27 (18, 23 desunt) = I, 8, 3-29.

392:28 28 deest.

392:29-31 29-31 = I, 9, 1. 6. 11.

Next: II, 2