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The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE29), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1886], at


1-12. On the ninth or tenth (of the dark fortnight) the Anvashtakya (ceremony is performed).

2. To the south-east (of the house) they partition off (a place with mats or the like), and to the northern part of that (place) he should carry a fire which has been kindled by attrition.

3. Let him take one portion of rice, let him remove the husks once, and let him cook it, stirring it up from right to left.

5, 1. navamîm dasamîm vânvashtakyam. 2. dakshinapûrvabhâge parivârya tatrottarârdhe mathitvâgnim pranayet. 3. sakridgrihîtân vrîhîn sakritphalîkritân prasavyam udâyuvañ srapayed.

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4. And some flesh of that thigh (see above, chap. 4, 16).

5. He should take it from the fire in a southern direction, and should omit the second sprinkling (of Âgya) on it.

6. To the west of the fire he should dig, in the southern part (of the place mentioned in Sûtra 2) three pits, four inches in depth and breadth.

7. He should carry the fire to the east of them.

8. He should strew (Darbha-grass round the fire),

9. And (into) the pits.

10. Having spread out to the west of the fire a layer of southward-pointed grass so that it is inclined towards the south, he should put (a mat) on it.

11. On that (grass) he should place the sacrificial implements, one by one.

12. Cutting off (the prescribed portions of the sacrificial food, and putting those portions) into the brazen vessel he should sacrifice, picking out (portions of the Havis) with the pot-ladle, with (the formulas), 'Svâhâ to Soma Pitrimat! Svâhâ to Agni Kavyavâhana!' (MB. II. 3, 1, 2.)

13 13-31. With his left hand he should lay down a firebrand on the southern side of the pits (Sûtra 6), with

4. amushmâk ka sakthno mâmsam iti. 5. dakshinodvâsya na pratyabhighârayet. 6. paskâd agner dakshinâs tisrah karshûh khanyâk katuraṅgulam adhas tiryak ka. 7. tâsâm purastâd agnim pranayet. 8. strinuyât. 9. karshûs ka. 10. paskâd agne svastaram dakshinâgrais trinair dakshinâpravanam âstîrya brisîm upari nidadhyât. 11. tasminn ekaikam âharet. 12. kamse samavadâya mekshanenopaghâtam guhuyât svâhâ Somâya pitrimate svâhâgnaye kavyavâhanâyeti. 13. savyenolmukam dakshinatah karshûr nidadhyâd apahatâ iti.

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(the formula), '(The Asuras have been) driven away' (MB. II, 3, 3).

14. (He should perform the different rites) in the eastern pit for his father,

15. In the middle for his grandfather,

16. In the last for his great-grandfather.

17. Let him pour out vessels of water. from right to left, into the pits, pronouncing the name of each one (of his ancestors), with (the formula), 'N.N.! Wash thyself, and they who follow thee here, and they whom thou followest. To thee Svadhâ!'

18. In the same way he should put down the Pindas for them and should murmur, 'Here, O Fathers, enjoy yourselves; show your manly vigour each for his part' (MB. II, 3, 6).

19. After he has spoken thus, he should turn to the north, doubling his left arm, turning round from right to left.

20. Holding his breath and fixing his thoughts on something good he should, while turning back (in the same way), murmur: 'The Fathers have enjoyed themselves; they have shown their manly vigour each for his part' (MB. II, 3, 7).

21. He should sprinkle collyrium on three Darbha—

14. pûrvasyâm karshvâm pitur. 15. madhyamâyâm pitâmahasyo. 16. ttamâyâm prapitâmahasyo. 17. dapâtrâny apasalavi karshûshu ninayed ekaikasya nâmoktvâsâv avanenikshva ye kâtra tvânu yâms ka tram anu tasmai te svâheti (correct, svadheti). 18. tathaiva pindân nidhâya gaped atra pitaro mâdayadhvam yathâbhâgam âvrishâyadhvam ity. 19. uktvodaṅṅ âvarteta savyam bâhum upasamhritya prasavyam âvrityo. 20. patâmya kalyânam dhyâyann abhiparyâvartamâno gaped ainîmadanta pitaro yathâbhâgam âvrishâyishateti. 21. tisro darbhapiñgûlîr añganena nighrishya karshûshu nidadhyâd yathâpindam.

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blades, and should put them down into the pits in the same way as the Pindas,

22. And sesamum oil and perfumes.

23. For the Pindas and the following offerings he should alter the formula (Sûtra 17) accordingly.

24. Now (follows) the deprecation.

25. On the eastern pit he lays his hands, turning the inside of the right hand upwards, with (the formula), 'Adoration to you, O Fathers, for the sake of life! Adoration to you, O Fathers, for the sake of vital breath!' (MB. II, 3, 8.)

26. On the middle, turning the inside of the left hand upwards, with (the formula), 'Adoration to you, O Fathers, for the sake of terror! Adoration to you, O Fathers, for the sake of sap!' (MB. l.l.)

27. On the western, turning the inside of the right hand upwards, with (the formula), 'Adoration to you, O Fathers, for the sake of comfort (svadhâ)! Adoration to you, O Fathers, for the sake of wrath!' (MB. II, 3, 9.)

28. Joining his hands—

29. (He should murmur the formula), 'Adoration to you' (MB. II, 3, 9).

30. He should lay down threads into the pits in the same way as the Pindas, with (the formula), 'This (garment) to you.'

22. tailam surabhi ka. 23. pindaprabhriti yathârtham ûhed. 24. atha nihnavanam. 25. pûrvasyâm karshvâm dakshinottânau pânî kritvâ namo vah pitaro gîvâya namo vah pitaras sûshâyeti. 26. savyottânau madhyamâyâm namo vah pitaro ghorâya namo vah pitaro rasâyeti. 27. dakshinottânau paskimâyâm namo vah pitara svadhâyai namo vah pitaro manyava ity. 28. añgalim kritvâ 29. namo va iti. 30. sûtratantûn karshûshu nidadhyâd yathâpindam etad va ity.

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31. He should recite over the pits (the verse), 'Bringing strength' (MB. II, 3, 13).

32. The middle Pinda he should give to his wife to eat, if she is desirous of a son, with (the verse), 'Give fruit.'

33. With (the verse), '(Gâtavedas) has been our messenger' (MB. II, 3, 15), he should throw the firebrand into the fire.

34. They should take the sacrificial vessels back two by two.

35 35-39. The same is the rite of the Pindapitriyagña.

36. Let him cook the Havis in the (sacred) domestic fire.

37. From that fire (let him take the fire which) he carries forward (see above, Sûtra 2).

38. (Here is only) one pit.

39. No layer of grass (Sûtra 10).

40 40. Of the mess of cooked food sacred to Indrânî he should sacrifice with (the verse), 'The Ekâshtakâ' (MB. II, 3, 19). He should sacrifice with (the verse), The Ekâshtakâ.'

End of the Third Patala.

31. ûrgam vahantîr iti karshûr anumantrayeta. 32. madhyamam pindam putrakâmâm prâsayed âdhattety. 33. abhûn no dûta ity ulmukam agnau prakshiped. 34. dvandvam pâtrâny atihareyur. 35. esha eva pindapitriyagñakalpo. 36. grihyegnau havis srapayet. 37. tata evâtipranayed. 38. ekâ karshûr. 39. na svastara. 40. Indrânyâ sthâlîpâkasyaikâshtaketi guhuyâd ekâshtaketi guhuyât. tritîyapatalah.


420:1-12 5, 1-12 = Gobhila IV, 2.

421:13-31 13-31 = IV, 3 (23 deest).

424:35-39 35-39 = IV, 4, 1 seqq.

424:40 40 = IV, 4, 32. 33.

Next: IV, 1