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The Grihya Sutras, Part 2 (SBE30), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1892], at


1. 1 When a boy is attacked by the dog-demon (i.e. epilepsy), (the father or another performer of the ceremony), having devoted himself to austerities

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[paragraph continues] (such as fasting), covers him with a net. Then he causes a gong to be beaten or a bell to be rung, takes (the boy) by another way than the door into the gambling-hall, raises (the earth in the middle of the hall) at the place in which they gamble, sprinkles it (with water), casts the dice, lays (the boy) on his back on the dice, and besprinkles him with his joined hands with curds and salt, with the next (eleven) (formulas, II, 16, 1-11), in the morning, at noon, and at night.

2. Then he will get well.

3. 3 Over a boy who suffers from the 'Saṅkha' disease, (the father, &c.) having devoted himself to austerities, should recite the next two (verses, II, 16, 12. 13), and should pour (water) on his head with a water-pot with the next (verse, II, 16, 14), in the morning, at noon, and at night.

4. Then he will get well.

5. 5 On the day of the full moon of (the month) Srâvana after sunset a Sthâlîpâka (is offered).

6. 6 After the ceremonies down to the Âgyabhâga oblations have been performed in the same way as at the fortnightly sacrifices, he sacrifices of the Sthâlîpâka, and with each of the next (formulas, II, 16, 15-17) he offers with his joined hands Kimsuka flowers.

7. With the next (three) verses (II, 17, 1-3) (he offers) pieces of Âragvadha wood (Cathartocarpus fistula);

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8. Then the Âgya oblations (indicated by the) next (Mantras, II, 17, 4-7).

9. Then he enters upon the performance of the Gaya and following oblations.

10. Having performed (the rites) down to the sprinkling (of water) round (the fire), he silently takes the objects required (for the rites which he is going to perform), goes out in an easterly or northerly direction, prepares a raised surface, draws on it three lines directed towards the east and three towards the north, pours water on the (lines), and lays (an offering of) flour (for the serpents) on them, with the next (formula, II, 17, 8).

11. Silently (he lays down) unground (?) grain, roasted grain, collyrium, ointment, (the fragrant substance called) Sthagara, and Usîra root.

12, With the next (formulas, II, 17, 9-26) he should worship (the serpents), should sprinkle water round (the oblations), should return (to his house) silently without looking back, should sprinkle (water) with a water-pot from left to right, thrice around the house or the resting-place on the inside, with the two verses, 'Beat away O white one, with thy foot' (II, 17, 27. 28), and should offer food to the Brâhmanas.


286:1 18, 1. Comp. Pâraskara I, 16, 24; Hiranyakesin II, 2, 7.

287:3 'Saṅkhin is a person attacked by such a disease that he utters cries like the sound of a conch trumpet (saṅkha).' Haradatta.

287:5 Here follows a description of the Sarpabali.

287:6 Comp. above, III, 7, 2-3.

Next: 7, 19