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The Grihya Sutras, Part 2 (SBE30), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1892], at


1. 1 After the ceremonies down to the Âgyabhâga oblations have been performed in the same way as at the fortnightly sacrifices, he makes with his joined hands oblations of the cake with the next (verse, II, 20, 27).

2. 2 The rest (of the cake) he makes ready, divides (it) into eight parts and offers it to the Brâhmanas.

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3. On the following day he touches a cow with a Darbha blade, with the words, 'I touch thee agreeable to the Fathers.'

4. 4 Having silently offered five Âgya oblations, and having cooked, the omentum of the (cow), and performed the 'spreading under' and the sprinkling over (of Âgya), he sacrifices (the omentum) with the next (verse, II, 20, 28) with a Palâsa leaf from the middle or the end (of the stalk).

5. (He sacrifices) boiled rice together with the meat (of the cow) with the next (verses, II, 20, 29-35),

6. Food prepared of meal with the next (verse, II, 21, 1),

7. Then the Âgya oblations (indicated by the) next (Mantras, II, 21, 2-9).

8. (The rites) from the Svishtakrit down to the offering of the Pindas are the same (as at the Srâddha).

9. Some (teachers) prescribe the Pinda offering for the day after the Ashtakâ.

10. Here (follows) another (way for celebrating the Ashtakâ sacrifice). He sacrifices curds with his joined hands in the same way as the cake.

11. Having left over from the meat of the (cow, see above, 3. 4) as much as is required, on the day after (the Ashtakâ) (he performs) the rite of the Anvashtakâ.

12. This rite has been explained in the description of the monthly Srâddha.

13. If he goes out in order to beg for something,

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let him murmur the next (Mantras, II, 21, 10-16) and then state his desire.

14. If he has obtained a chariot, he has the horses put to it, lets it face the east, and touches with the next (verse, II, 21, 17) the two wheels of the chariot or the two side-pieces.

15. With the next Yagus (II, 21, 18) he should mount, and drive with the next (verse, II, 21, 19) towards the east or north, and should then drive off on his business.

16. Let him mount a horse with the next (formulas, II, 21, 20-30),

17. An elephant with the next (formula, II, 21, 31).

18. 18 If any harm is done him by these two (beasts), let him touch the earth as indicated above.

19. If he is going to a dispute, he takes the parasol and the staff in his left hand.


293:1 22, 1. Comp. above, VII, 18, 6.

293:2 I believe that seshah means the rest of the cake. The word 'siddhah' possibly refers to such preparations of the food as are indicated in Hiranyak. II, 5, 14, 7. Haradatta understands seshah as the rest of the rites (tantrasya seshah): 'The rest of the rites is p. 294 the regular one, without alterations:' it must be admitted that the expressions used by Hiranyak. II, 5, 14, 10 would agree well with this explanation.

294:4 See above, V, 13, 16.

295:18 See VII, 19, 11. On reshane, comp. below, 23, 9.

Next: 8, 23