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Vedic Hymns, Part I (SBE32), by Max Müller, [1891], at

p. 337



To the Maruts (the Storm-gods).

1. O Agni, on to the strong host (of the Maruts), bedecked with golden chains and ornaments 1. Today I call the folk of the Maruts down from the light of heaven.

2. As thou (Agni) thinkest in thine heart, to the same object my wishes have gone. Strengthen thou these Maruts, terrible to behold, who have come nearest to thy invocations.

3. Like a bountiful lady 1, the earth comes towards us, staggering, yet rejoicing; for your onslaught, O Maruts, is vigorous, like a bear, and fearful, like a wild bull.

4. They who by their strength disperse wildly 1 like bulls, impatient of the yoke, they by their marches make the heavenly stone, the rocky mountain (cloud) 2 to shake.

5. Arise, for now I call with my hymns 1 the troop of these Maruts, grown strong together, the manifold, the incomparable, as if calling a drove of bulls.

6. Harness the red mares to the chariot, harness the ruddy horses to the chariots, harness the two bays, ready to drive in the yoke, most vehement to drive in the yoke.

7. And this red stallion too, loudly neighing, has been placed here, beautiful to behold; may it not cause you delay on your marches, O Maruts; spur him forth on your chariots.

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8. We call towards us the glorious chariot of the Maruts, whereon there stands also Rodasî 1, carrying delightful gifts, among the Maruts.

9. I call hither this your host, brilliant on chariots, terrible and glorious, among which she, the wellborn and fortunate, the bounteous lady, is also magnified among the Maruts.

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The same poet and deity, though Agni is invoked in the first, possibly in the second verse also. Metre, 1, 2, 4-6, 8, 9 Brihatî; 3, 7 Satobrihatî. None of the verses occurs in SV., VS., AV., TS., MS.

Verse 1.

Note 1. Here again some interpreters of the Veda take añgi in the sense of paint, war-paint. It may be so, but the more general meaning of colours or ornament seems, as yet, safer.

Verse 3.

Note 1. The earth is frequently represented as trembling under the fury of the Maruts. Here she is first called mîlhúshmatî, a curious compound which, in our verse, may possibly have a more special meaning. As the earth is not only struck down by the storm, but at the same time covered with water and fertilised, she is represented as struck down and staggering, but likewise as rejoicing, possibly, as drunk.

Verse 4.

Note 1. Vthâ means pell-mell, confusedly, wildly; see also Geldner, Ved. Stud. p. 115.

Note 2. Ásmâ svaryãh seems to mean the thunderbolt like vágrah svaryãh in I, 32, 2; 67, 6. See also V, 30, 8. In that case we should have to translate, 'they let the heavenly bolt fall down on the rocky mountain.' But kyâvayati is never used for the hurling of the thunderbolt, nor is it construed with two accusatives. It always means to shake what is firm, and we have therefore to translate, they shake the heavenly stone (the sky), the rocky mountain (the cloud).' Parvata and giri often occur together, as in I, 37, 7; VIII, 64, 5.

Verse 5.

Note 1. Stómaih may possibly refer to sámukshitânâm.

Verse 8.

Note 1. On Rodasî´, see before, I, 167, 3.

Next: V, 57. To the Maruts (the Storm-gods)