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Vedic Hymns, Part I (SBE32), by Max Müller, [1891], at

bhaksh, to enjoy: bhakshîyá (c. Gen.), V, 57, 7.

bhága, luck: bhágam, luck, I, 134, 5; bháge â´, in wealth, II, 34, 8.

bhag, to obtain: bhegire, V, 57, 5.—â´ bhaga nah, appoint us to, give us, help us to (Loc.), I, 43, 8; VII, 46, 4:1; â´ bhagatana, VII, 56, 21.—Desider., bhiksh, (220.)

bhadrá, good, auspicious: bhadrâ´, good things, I, 166, 9:1; 10; (sausravasâ´ni), VI, 74, 2; (vástrâ), beautiful, I, 134, 4; bhadrâ´ (râtíh), I, 168, 7:1; (sumatíh), I, 114, 9.

bhádra-gâni, having an excellent mother: bhádra-gânayah, V, 61, 4:1.

bhan, to shout: (V, 52, 12:2.)

bhandát-ishti, in jubilant throng: bhandát-ishtaye, V, 87, 1.

bharatá, Bharata (the warrior): bharatâ´ya, V, 54, 14:1.

bharas, burden (?): (V, 54, 10:1.)

bhártri, husband: bhártâ-iva, V, 58, 7.

bhâ, to shine: vi-bhâ´ti, he shines forth, X, 121, 6.

bhâgá, share: bhâgám, VII, 56, 14.

bhânú, splendour: bhânúh diváh, V, 52, 6; bhânúm, V, 59, 1; bhânú-bhih, I, 87, 6; VIII, 7, 8; 36.

bhâm, to be in wrath: bhâmitáh, I, 114, 8:1.

bhâ´ma, vigour: bhâ´mena, I, 165, 8.

bhâmín: bhâmínah, VS. for bhâmitáh, (I, 114, 8:1.)

bhâ´s, light: bhâsâ´, X, 77, 5.

bhiksh, to beg, to implore: (220); bhikshe, I, 171, 1; bhiksheta, VIII, 7, 15.

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bhind, to cut asunder: bhindanti, V, 52, 9.—bibhiduh ví, they clove asunder, I, 85, 10.

bhiyás, fear: bhiyásâ, V, 59, 2; bhiyáse, (I, 87, 6:1.)

bhishág, physician: bhishák-tamam bhishágâm, the best of all physicians, II, 33, 4.

bhî, to fear: bhayate, I, 166, 5; VII, 58, 2; bhayante, I, 85, 8: 166, 4; bibhâya, V, 60, 3; bibhyúshe, I, 39, 7; ábibhayanta, I, 39, 6.—See ábibhîvas, bhiyás.

bhî´, f., fear: bhiyâ´, I, 37, 8; 171, 4; V, 57, 3:2; 60, 2; VIII, 7, 26.

bhîmá, terrible: bhîmâ´h, II, 34, 1; bhî´mâsah, VII, 58, 2; mrigám ná bhîmám, II, 33, 11:2.

bhîma-yú, fearful: bhîma-yúh, V, 56, 3.

bhîmá-sandris, terrible to behold: bhîmá-sandrisah, V, 56, 2.

bhugmán, the feeding cloud: bhugmâ´, (I, 64, 3:1.)

bhuñg, to enjoy: bhugé (ishé), VIII, 20, 8; ékam ít bhugé, of use, VIII, 20, 13.

bhurván, whirl: bhurváni (apâ´m), I, 134, 5 (bis); p. cxxii.

bhúvana, being, world: visvâ bhúvanâni, bhúvanâ, I, 64, 3; 85, 8; 166, 4; II, 34, 4; vísvasmât bhúvanât, I, 134, 5.—asyá bhúvanasya bhû´reh, of this wide world, II, 33, 9; asyá vísvasya bhúvanasya râ´gâ (Vâta), X, 168, 2; bhúvanasya gárbhah, X, 168, 41.

bhû, to be …: bhúvah, I, 86, 5:1; nah babhû´tha, thou hast come to be with us, I, 165, 5; p. xv; babhûvâ´n, having grown, I, 165, 8; sám nah bhûtam, VI, 74, 1; (190 seq.; 435); bhûvan sâkám, they became full of, VI, 66, 2; bodhi, II, 33, 15:2.—mâ´ ápa bhûtana, do not keep away, VII, 59, 10.—mâ´ ápi bhûma tásyam, let us not fall under its power, VII, 57, 4:1.—kútah â´ babhûva, whence did he spring, X, 168, 3.—pári babhûva, he embraces, X, 121, 10.—vi-bhváne, (48.)—bhávya and bhûtá, what is and what will be, (p. 4); bhûtásya pátih, the lord of all that is, X, 121, 1.

bhû´man, earth: bhû´ma, I, 85, 5:3; 88, 2.

bhû´mi, earth: bhû´mi and dyú, (50); bhû´mih, I, 87, 3; V, 59, 2; VIII, 20, 5; bhû´mim, I, 64, 5; V, 59, 4; bhû´myâm, I, 39, 4; bhû´my â´ dade, p. cxvii.

bhû´ri, much: bhû´ri, bhû´rîni, I, 165, 7; 166, 10: bhû´ri kakra, you have valued, VII, 56, 23:1; bhû´reh, II, 33, 9; 12.

bhû´ri-pâni (I, 38, 11:1.)

bhûsh, to honour: â-bhû´shantîh, who honour, I, 43, 9; cf. â´-bhûshénya.

bhri, to bear, to carry: bibhritha, I, 39, 10; VIII, 20, 26; bíbhratî, V, 56, 8; háste bíbhrat, I, 114, 5; bibharshi, II, 33, 10; bharata, VII, 46, 1; bharate, 1, 64, 13; bháradhyai, VI, 66, 3; gabhâ´ra, VII, 56, 4.—bíbhratah úpa, bringing to (Acc.), I, 166, 2:1.—prá bháradhve, you are carried forth, V, 59, 4; prá bhara, I, 64, 1; prá bhare, I offer, V, 59, 1; 60, 1:3; prá bharadhvam, VI, 66, 9; prá bharâmahe, I, 114, 1; prá-bhritah, hurled forth, I, 165, 4; (182); pp. xv: xxi.—práti bharadhvarn, bring forward, VIII, 20, 9.

bhmi, quick, fresh: (II, 34, 1:6.)—bhmim, cloud, II, 34, 1:6; vagrant, VII, 56, 20:2.

bheshagá, medicine: bheshagám, V, 53, 14; VIII, 20, 25:1; X, 186, 1; bheshagáh gálâshah, II, 33, 7; (I, 43, 4:2); háste bíbhrat bheshagâ´, carrying in his hand medicines (Rudra), I, 114, 5; bheshagâ´, II, 33, 12; 13:1; VII, 46, 3; bheshagâ´ni, VI, 74, 3; bheshagásya

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[paragraph continues] (mâ´rutasya), VIII, 20, 23; bheshagébhih, II, 33, 2; 4.

bhogá, liberal: bhogâ´n, V, 53, 16.

bhrâg, to shine: bhrâ´gante, VII, 57, 3; ábhrâgi, V, 54, 6.—ví bhrâ´gante, I, 85, 4; VIII, 20, 11; vi-bhrâ´gate (for vi-bhrâ´gante), V, 61, 12:1.

bhrâ´gat-rishti, with brilliant spears: bhrâ´gat-rishtayah, I, 64, II; 87, 3; 168, 4; 11, 34, 5; V, 55, 1; X, 78, 7; bhrâ´gat-rishtim, VI, 66, 11.

bhrâ´gat-ganman, flame-born: bhrâ´gat-ganmânah, VI, 66, 10.

bhrâ´gas, splendour: bhrâ´gasâ, X, 78, 2.

bhrâ´tri, brother: bhrâtarah, I, 170, 2; V, 60, 5; bhrâtah, I, 170, 3; bhrâ´tâ, X, 186, 2.

bhrâ´tri-tvá, brotherhood: bhrâtri-tvám, VIII, 20, 22:1.

bhrúmi: bhrúmim for bhmim, (298); (II, 34, 1:6.)

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