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Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at

p. 179




1. Being kindled thou reignest to-day, a god with the gods, O conqueror of thousandfold (wealth)! As messenger, as a sage, carry the oblations (to the gods).

2. O Tanûnapât! For him who walks in righteousness the sacrifice is anointed with honey. May he 1 grant thousandfold food.

3. Receiving libations, worthy of being magnified 1 bring hither to us the worshipful gods. Agni! Thou art a winner of thousandfold (bliss).

4. They have spread with might the eastward-turned sacrificial grass, blessing (our tribe) with a thousand men 1, (at the place) where you reign, O Âdityas!

5. The Prince, the Sovereign, the mighty ones, the eminent ones 1, the (Divine) Doors, which are many and more than many, have sent forth streams of ghee.

6. Adorned with gold, wearing beautiful ornaments you verily reign high 1 in your splendour. Sit down here, ye two Dawns 2.

7. May the two fine-voiced divine Hotris, the sages, perform as the first this sacrifice for us.

8. Bhâratî! Ilâ! Sarasvatî! All ye (goddesses) whom I invoke, promote us to splendour.

9. Tvashtri indeed, the eminent (god) has shaped all forms, all cattle. Do thou by sacrifice produce their increase.

p. 180

10. Yield up by thyself, O tree, (the sacrificial food) to the abode of the gods 1. May Agni make the offerings relishable.

11. Agni going in front of the gods is anointed with this Gâyatra song; he shines when Svâhâ is pronounced (over the oblations).


The Rishi is Agastya, the metre Gâyatrî. This Âprî hymn is closely related to hymn X, 110, the author of which no doubt knew and imitated our hymn.—No verses occur in the other Samhitâs.

Verse 2.

Note 1. I have taken dádhat as a third person, the subject being Tanûnapât. But it may be a participle referring to yagñáh: 'the sacrifice which procures thousandfold food is anointed with honey.'

Verse 3.

Note 1. The text has î´dyah.

Verse 4.

Note 1. 'This is the Dasavîra sacrifice of the Sâktyas. Ten valiant sons are born to those who perform it.' Pañkavimsa Brâhmana. XXV, 7, 4.

Verse 5.

Note 1. These are evidently names of the divine doors.—As to the nominative dúrah, see Lanman, p. 486.

Verse 6.

Note 1. On adhi-vi-râg, comp. IX, 75, 3. ádhi triprishtháh ushásah ví râgati.

Note. 2. I. e. Dawn and Evening.

Verse 10.

Note 1. Literally: 'to the abode, for the gods.' Comp. the corresponding verse (10) of the Âprî hymn X, 110. devâ´nâm pâ´thah.

Next: I, 189