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Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at

p. 391



1. The guardian of people, the watchful one, Agni, the highly dexterous, has been born, for the sake of new welfare. With ghrita on his face, with his mighty, heaven-touching (light) he, the bright one, brilliantly shines for the Bharatas.

2. Agni, the beacon of sacrifice, the first Purohita 1 men have kindled in the threefold abode 2. (Driving) on the same chariot with Indra and with the gods, he, the highly wise Hotri, has sat down on the Barhis for sacrificing.

3. Though not cleansed, thou art born bright from thy two mothers 1. Thou hast arisen as the joy-giving sage belonging to Vivasvant 2 They have strengthened thee by ghrita, O Agni, into whom oblations are poured. Smoke, reaching the sky, has become thy beacon.

4. May Agni straightway come to our sacrifice. Men carry Agni here and there, house by house. Agni has become the messenger, the carrier of oblations. Choosing Agni they choose a thoughtful (god).

5. For thee, O Agni, is this sweetest speech, for thee this prayer; may this one do thy heart good 1! The prayers fill thee with power and strengthen thee, like great rivers the Sindhu.

6. Thee, O Agni, who wert hidden, dwelling here and there in every wood, the Aṅgiras have discovered 1. Thus thou art born, produced by attrition, a mighty force. Thee, O Aṅgiras, they call the son of strength.

p. 392


The Rishi is Sutambhara Âtreya, the metre Gagatî.—Verses I, 6, 2 = SV. II, 257–259; TS. IV, 4, 4, 2–3. Verses 1, 6, 5 = MS. II, 13, 7. Verses 1, 6 = VS. XV, 27–28. Verse 3 = TB. II, 4, 3, 3.

Verse 2.

Note 1. This Pâda is identical with the first Pâda of X. 122, 4.

Note 2. The three sacrificial fires are alluded to.

Verse 3.

Note 1. The two kindling-sticks.

Note 2. Vivásvatah is genitive, not ablative, as Pischel, Vedische Studien, I, 241, believes. Agni opens his earthly career by doing service at the sacrifice of Vivasvant, i. e. originally, in my opinion, the first man. Comp. H. O., Religion des Veda, p. 122.

Verse 5.

Note 1. On the curious spelling manîshâ´ iyám in the Samhitâ text, instead of manî´sheyám, see the Rig-veda Prâtisâkhya 163; H. O., Prolegomena, p. 386.

Verse 6.

Note 1. The ancestors of the priestly tribes, being the first priests themselves, discover Agni.

Next: V, 12