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Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at

p. 401



1. Sing 1 (a song that gives) mighty vital power, to the light, to god Agni, whom the mortals have placed in front 2 like Mitra by their praises 3.

2. For he, Agni, the Hotri of men, day by day, in the arms of Daksha, discloses the offering in the due way, as Bhaga 1 (discloses) a treasure.

3. (We abide [?]) in his praise, the liberal (god's), in his friendship, the mightily brilliant one's, in whom, the loudly roaring Aryan, all (beings) have put together their strength.

4. For verily, O Agni, (thou belongest [?]) to them 1 through thy bounteousness 2 in (bestowing) abundance of heroes. Him indeed, the vigorous one, his glory the two worlds could not encompass 3.

5. Now then, Agni, come hither and, being praised, bring treasure 1 to us who, we ourselves and our liberal givers, may acquire welfare together. And help us to grow strong in fights.


The Rishi is Pûru Âtreya (cf. 17, 1); the metre Anushtubh (verse 5, Paṅkti). This hymn and V, 17 are parallel hymns; the concluding words of both are identical (see also V, 9, 7; 10, 7).—Verse 5 = SV. I, 88.

Verse 1.

Note 1. Árkâ may be first or second person.

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Note 2. Dadhiré puráh: they have made him their Purohita.

Note 3. Comp. above, V, 9, 6.

Verse 2.

Note 1. On Bhaga, the divine Bestower or Dispenser of riches, cf. Herbert Baynes. The Biography of Bhaga (Actes du huitième Congrès intern. des Orientalistes, Sect. II, fasc. 1, pp. 83 seq.).

Verse 4.

Note 1. To them, i. e. the Maghavans. Compare below, 18, 3. 4.

Note 2. Mamhánâ seems to be instrumental. Comp. 10. 2; 18, 2.

Note 3. Agni is himself yahvá; so ná cannot be the comparative particle, but it must be the negation. Similarly it is said in II, 16, 3 that Heaven and Earth cannot encompass the indriya of Indra; cf. also X, 27, 7.

Verse 5.

Note 1. Vâ´ryam seems to depend on â´ bhara. With the whole phrase compare the first Pâda of V, 17, 5.

Next: V, 17