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Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at


dhakshi (Samhitâ: dakshi), voc. (?), O burning one (?), I, 141, 8:2.

dhákshu, burning, II, 4, 4.

dhakshús, burning, I, 141, 7.

dhan: dhanáyan, they set into motion, I, 71, 3;—dadhanyuh (read dadhanvuh?), IV, 3, 12:2.

dhána, prize, I, 31, 6; 8; 36, 4.

dhanam-gayá, winning the prize, I, 74, 3.

dhana-sâ´, gaining wealth, II, 10, 6:1.

dhana-spt, winner of prizes, I, 36, 10; V, 8, 2.

dhanín, rich, I, 150, 2;—containing the prize of the contest, IV, 2, 15:3.

dhánus, dry land: dhánoh ádhi, I, 144, 5:2.

dhánya, precious, III, 1, 16.

dhanv, to run along: dadhanvé, II, 5, 3; dadhanvuh, (IV, 3, 12:2).

dhánvan, dry ground, I, 95, 10;—desert, V, 7, 7.

dhanva-sáh, a conquering bowman, I, 127, 3:6.

dham, to melt: dhámantah, IV, 2, 17:1:—upa dhámati dhmâtári, V, 9, 5:3.

dhárîman, firm law, I, 128, 1:1.

dharúna, supporter: dharúnah rayînâ´m, I, 73, 4:2; supporting, V, 15, I; 2; 5:1;—firm ground, III, 3, 1.

dharnasí, firm, I, 141, 11;—supporter, V, 8, 4.

dharní, supporter, I, 127, 7.

dhart, supporter, V, 1, 6; 9, 3.

dhárman, law, ordinance, III, 3, 1; V, 26, 6; prathamâ´ ánu dharma, III, 17, 1; ánu dhárma, III, 17, 5;—support, V, 15, 2.

dhâ, to put, place, give: dadhiré, I, 26, 8, &c.; kánah dhâh, accept, I, 26, 10; dadhire, have been laid down, I, 59, 3:1; dádhânâh, obtaining, I, 73, 5:2; mâ´kih nah duh-itâ´ya dhâyîh, do not deliver us to distress, I, 147, 5; dádhat, 3rd pers. or part., I, 188, 2:1; dadhire puráh, they have placed in front (as Purohita), III, 2, 5; dhishva, III, 6, 6; didhishantu, may they bestow, III, 8, 6; dhâ´mahe, may we acquire, V, 16, 5;—â´ dadhe, I have established, III, 27, 9:2;—ní dadhe, he has established, I, 36, 19; ní dadhe, I have laid down, III, 23, 4:1; 27, 10:1; ní dadhuh (conj. ní daduh?), V, 2, 6:2; ní dhatte puráh, V, 28, 2:1;—vi-dhâ´ti, he worships (conj. for vi-bhâ´ti), I, 71, 6:1; ví dhâh, distribute, I, 72, 7; IV, 6, 11; ví dadhau, he determines, I, 95, 3.

dhâ, to suckle: dhâpáyete íti, I, 96, 5; adhayat, I, 144, 2; III, 1, 10; V, I, 3:4;—úpa dhâpayete íti, I, 95, 1.

dhât, establisher, IV, 7, 1.

dhâ´na: pári dhâ´nam aktóh, about nightfall (?), III, 7, 6.

dhâ´man, foundation, I, 95, 9:1; 144, 1:4; III, 3, 4; IV, 7, 7;—abode, II, 3, 2; 11;—statute, law, III, 2, 10; 7, 6; IV, 5, 4;—form: saptá dhâ´ma-bhih, IV, 7, 5:1.

dhâ´yas, prospering, I, 31, 13;—refreshment, refreshing drink, I, 72, 9; 94, 12; 141, 6; II, 5, 7; V, 7, 6; 9; 15, 4.

dhâ´râ, stream: dhâ´râm ritásya, I, 67, 7:1; V, 12, 2; dhâ´râh udanyầh-iva, II, 7, 3; dhâ´râh, III, 1, 8; 9.

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dhâv: ní dhâvate, he runs down, I, 141, 5.

dhâsí, drink, I, 140, 1:2; III, 7, 1:1; 3:2; IV, 3, 9; V, 12, 4.

dhitá-van, in whom (wealth) has been laid down, III, 27, 2.

dhiyam-dhâ´, thoughtful, I, 67, 4; 72, 2.

dhiyâ´-vasu, giving wealth for prayer, I, 58, 9; 60, 5; III, 3, 2; 28, 1.

Dhishánâ, N. of a goddess, I, 96, 1:2; III, 2, 1:2.

dhíshnya, liberal (?), III, 22, 3:1.

dhíshnyâ, the Dhishnya altar, IV, 3, 6:1.

dhî, to think: devâ´n ákkha dî´dhyat (conj. for dî´dyat), III, 1, 1:3;—ánu vratám dî´dhyânâh, contemplating the law, III, 4, 7.

dhî´, (pious) thought, prayer, I, 1, 7; 27, 11, &c.; 95, 8:2; III, 11, 2; 3; 12, 1; yantâ´ram dhînâ´m, III, 3, 8; dhiyâ´ kakre, III, 27, 9:1; kakripánta dhîbhíh, IV, 1, 14.

dhîtí, thought, I, 68, 5:1; 71, 3:1; III, 12, 7; 13, 5; V, 25, 3; devotion, I, 77, 4; pious thought, i. e. hymn, or prayer, I, 143, I; 144, 5; IV, 5, 7.

dhî´ra, wise, I, 65, 2:1, &c.

dhúni, roaring, I, 79, 1:2.

dhur, to harm: ádhûrshata, V, 12, 5.

dhúr, pole, III, 6, 6,

dhû, to shake: ádhûnot, I, 59, 6; davidhâva, I, 140, 6; dodhavîti, he waves, II, 4, 4:2; adhûnutam, you have hurled down, III, 12, 6; dávidhvat, shaking, IV, 13, 2; dávidhvatah, having shaken, IV, 13, 4:2;—ava-dhûnushé, thou hurlest away, I, 78, 4.

dhûh-sad, charioteer, I, 143, 7; II, 2, 1:3.

dhûmá, smoke, I, 36, 9; III, 29, 9; IV, 6, 2; V, 11, 3.

dhûmá-ketu, whose banner is smoke, I, 27, 11; 44, 3.

dhû´ma-ketu, banner of smoke, I, 94, 10:1.

dhûmín, smoky, V, 9, 5:2.

dhûrtí, mischief, I, 36, 15; 128, 7.

dhri, to hold: dâdhâ´ra, I, 66, 3, &c.;—ni-dhâráyantah, setting down, IV, 2, 12.

dhritá-vrata, whose laws are firm, I, 44, 14; 141, 9; II, 1, 4.

dhrish: â´ dadharshît, may he defy, IV, 4, 3; ná â-dhshe, not to be defied, V, 8, 5.

dhrishág? V, 19, 5:1.

dhrishatâ´, fiercely, I, 71, 5; IV, 4, 2; 5, 6.

dhrishnu-yâ´, fiercely, V, 10, 5.

dhénâ, stream, I, 141, 1; shower, III, I, 9:2.

dhenú, milch cow, I, 66, 2; 73, 6; II, 2, 2; 9:1; 5, 5:1; III, 1, 7; 6, 4; IV, 1, 6; 16; dhenû´ íti, I, 146, 3:2; divákshasah dhenávah, III, 7, 2:2.

dhmâ, see dham.

dhmât, smelter, V, 9, 5.

dhrag: úpa dhrágantam, speeding forward, I, 149, 1

dhrágîmat, hasting, I. 79, 1.

dhruvá, firm, I, 36, 5:1, &c.; káratah dhruvásya, I, 146, 1; dhruvé (for Pada: dhruváh), III, 6, 4:1.

dhruvá-kshema, dwelling in firm peace, IV, 13, 3.

dhvams: dhvasáyantam, sparkling, I, 140, 3; dhvasáyantah, I, 140, 5.

dhvasmán, bespatterer, IV, 6, 6.

dhvri, see dhur.

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