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Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at


ná, 'like,' and ná, 'not,' I, 127, 3:6.

nákis, not, I, 27, 8; 69, 7.

nákta, Night náktâ ka ushásâ, I, 73, 7; náktam, by night, I; 98, 2; 127, 5; 144, 4:2; V, 7, 4.

nakta-yâ´, by night, IV, 11, 1.

nákti, Night: náktîh ushásah, II, 2, 2.

Náktoshásâ, du., Night and Dawn, I, 13, 7; 96, 5; 142, 7.

naksh, to reach: nákshante, I, 66, 9;—abhí nakshati, I, 95, 10.

nad: nâ´nadat, roaring, I, 140, 5; III, 2, 11.

nápât, offspring: û´rgah napât, I, 58, 8; II, 6, 2; III, 27, 12; V, 17, 5;—apâ´m nápât, the child of the Waters, 1, 143, 1:2; III, 9, 1.

náptri, offspring: ûrgáh náptre, V, 7, 1.

nabhanyà? I, 149, 3:2.

nábhas, cloud, I, 71, 10; II, 4, 6; III, 12, 1:1.

nam: â-námam, to direct, IV, 8, 3.

námah-ukti, praise, I, 189, 1; III, 14, 2:2.

námas, adoration, reverence, I, 1, 7,

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&c.; námasâ, adoringly, III, 14, 5.

namasy, to worship, adore: namasyánti, I, 36, 19; namasyá, 1, 44, 6:1; namasyan, I, 72, 5; namasyáta, III, 2, 8; namasyâ´mah, III, 17, 4; namasyántah, adoring, IV, 6, 11.

namasyà, to be adored, venerable, I, 72, 5:2; II, 1, 3; 10; III, 5, 2; 27, 13.

namasvín, adorer, I, 36, 7.

Nárâsámsa, 'song of men' or 'praised by men,' I, 13, 3:1; 142, 3; II, 3, 1; III, 29, 11; V, 5, 2.

nárya, manly power, I, 72, 1:1.

náva, new, young, I, 31, 8, &c.;—návyams, návyasî, I, 27, 4; 60, 3; 141, 5; 143, 1; III, 2, 13; návîyasâ, I, 12, 11;—návyah, gen., V, 12, 3:1;—návishtha, youngest, V, 27, 3.

nava-gâ´, new-born, IV, 6, 3.

náva-gâta, new-born, V, 15, 3.

navatí, ninety: navatím púrah, III, 12, 6.

navamám, for the ninth time, V, 27, 3:3.

Náva-vâstva, I, 36, 18:1.

návedas, watcher: ushásah návedâh, I, 79, 13;—witness, V, 12, 3.

návya, young, I, 141, 10; 189, 2.

nas, to attain: nasate, V, 4, 11;—â´ â´nat, I, 71, 8.

nas: nésat, it disappeared, IV, 1, 17.

Náhusha, N. of a clan, I, 31, 11:2; V, 22, 6.

Nahus, (I. 32, 11:2).

nâ´ka, sky, firmament: pipésa nâ´kam stbhih, I, 68, 10;—III, 2, 12; 5, 10; IV, 13, 5; V, 1, 1; 17, 2.

nânâ-rathám, on many chariots, III, 6, 9.

nândî´, delight: nândyè, I, 145, 4.

Nâbhânedishtha, (I, 142, 10:1).

nâ´bhi, navel, centre, I, 59, 1:2; 142, 10:1; III, 5, 5; IV, 10, 8; nâ´bhih prithivyâ´h, I, 59, 2; 143, 4; II, 3, 7; III, 5, 9; 29, 4; pra-gâ´m nâ´bhim, II, 3, 9; diváh nâ´bhâ, III, 4, 4; amtasya nâ´bhim, III, 17, 4.

nâ´man, name: deva-tvám nâ´ma, amtam nâ´ma, I, 68, 4:1; nâ´mâni dadhire yagñíyâni, I, 72, 3; prathatnám nâ´ma dhenóh, IV, 1, 16; gúhyam nâ´ma, V, 3, 2; 3; 5, 10; bhû´ri nâ´ma dadhâti, V, 3, 10.

nâ´rî, wife, I, 73, 3.

nâ´rminî?, 149, 3:1.

nâvâ´, boat: nâváyâ, I, 97, 8:1.

Nâ´satya, IV, 3, 6:3;—du., the Asvins, IV, 14, 1:2.

nims, to kiss: nímsate, I, 144, 1:4.

ni-kâma, desirous of, III, 1, 15.

niksh: vi-níkshe, to pierce, V, 2, 9.

ni-kirá, watchful, III, 9, 4.

niník, secretly, IV, 5, 8:1.

ninyá, hidden, I, 95, 4:1; inmost, IV, 3, 16.

nítya, one's own, I, 66, 1:1; 5; 71, 1; 140, 7; 148, 3; 5; II, 2, 11;—true (friend of men), I, 141, 2:2;—nítyam, constantly, I, 73, 4.

nítya-aritra, with its own rudders, I, 140, 12:1.

nid: nidânâh, scolding, IV, 5, 12.

níd, scoffer, III, 16, 5;—revilement, IV, 4, 15.

ninitsú, who tries to revile, I, 189, 6.

nindit, reproacher, V, 2, 6.

níndya, reproachable, V, 2, 6.

ni-mísh, closing of the eyes, I, 72, 5:4.

ni-vákana, invocation, I, 189, 8;—recitation, IV, 3, 16.

ni-vát, depth: ut-vátah ni-vátah, III, 2, 10.

ni-vártana, return, III, 9, 2.

ni-víd, the Nivid formula, I, 96, 2:1.

nishká-grîva, with a golden ornament at his neck, V, 29, 3.

ní-hita, laid down, I, 72, 6.

nî, to lead: padám nayanti, they follow his track, I, 146, 4:2;—pári nayanti, they carry around, I, 95, 2:4; pári nîyate, he is led around, IV, 15, 1.

lá, nest, IV, 1; 11; 12.

nîthá, song, IV, 3, 16.

nîtha-víd, knowing all the ways, III, 12, 5.

nî´la-prishtha, with the dark blue back, III, 7, 3.

nu, to low, roar: návanta, I, 66, 10; nonâva, I, 79, 2;—to shout (hymns of praise): návanta, I, 69, 10;—abhí prá nonumah, I, 78, 1–5; abhí anûshata, they have greeted with shouts, I, 144, 2; IV, I, 16; abhí anûshata,

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[paragraph continues] (the hymns) have been sung, V, 5, 4;—sám navanta, IV, 3, 11.

nú, now: nú kit nú, I, 58, 1:1; nú ka purâ´ ka, I, 96, 7.

nû´tana, present, recent, I, 1, 2; III, 1, 20.

nûnám, now: adyá nûnám ka, I, 13, 6; nûnám aparám, now and in future, I, 189, 4.

n, man: nrî´n (for various cases), I, 146, 4:5; III, 14, 4:1; IV, 2, 15:2; V, 15, 2:2; narah marutah, III, 16, 2:1; sámse nrinâ´m, III, 16, 4.

nri-kákshas, beholding men, III, 15, 3; 22, 2; IV, 3, 3.

n-tama, manliest, I, 59, 4; 77, 4; III, 1, 12; 19, 3; IV, 5, 2; V, 4, 6.

nri-páti, lord of men, I, 71, 8:3; II, 1, 1; 7.

nri-pésas, (the divine doors) with men as their ornaments, III, 4, 5:[3, 4].

nrimná, manly power, I, 67, 3; V, 19, 2.

nri-vát, with men, V, 18, 5.

nrivát-sakhi, rich in manly friends, IV, 2, 5:1.

nri-sádana, seat of men, V, 7, 2.

nri-hán, man-killer, IV, 3, 6.

net, leader, III, 15, 4; 20, 4; ishâ´m netâ´, III, 23, 2:2.

nédishtha, near, nearest, I, 127, 11; IV, 1, 5.

nemá-dhiti, discord, I, 72, 4:2.

nemí, felly, I, 141, 9; II, 5, 3; V, 13, 6.

nésha-tama, best leading, 1, 141, 12.

néshtri, the N. priest, II, 5, 5:1.

neshtrá, office of the Neshtri (priest), II, 1, 2.

naú, boat: nâvâ´-iva, I, 97, 7; 99, 1; V, 25, 9; síndhum ná nâvâ´, V, 4, 9; nâ´vam nítya-aritrâm pat-vátîm, I, 140, 12:1.

nyáñk, directed downwards: nî´kîh, I, 66, 10:2; 72, 10:4.

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