Sacred Texts  Islam  Index 
Sūra 5: Māïda, or The Table Spread  Sūra 7: A’rāf, or The Heights

Hypertext Qur'an Unicode Palmer Pickthall Rodwell 

Sūra 6: An’ām, or Cattle

Section 1 (1-10)
Section 2 (11-20)
Section 3 (21-30)
Section 4 (31-41)
Section 5 (42-50)
Section 6 (51-55)
Section 7 (56-60)
Section 8 (61-70)
Section 9 (71-82)
Section 10 (83-90)
Section 11 (91-94)
Section 12 (95-100)
Section 13 (101-110)
Section 14 (111-121)
Section 15 (122-129)
Section 16 (130-140)
Section 17 (141-144)
Section 18 (145-150)
Section 19 (151-154)
Section 20 (155-165)