Sacred Texts  Islam  Index 
Sūra 6: An’ām, or Cattle  Sūra 8: Anfāl, or the Spoils of War

Hypertext Qur'an Unicode Palmer Pickthall Rodwell 

Sūra 7: A’rāf, or The Heights

Section 1 (1-10)
Section 2 (11-25)
Section 3 (26-31)
Section 4 (32-39)
Section 5 (40-47)
Section 6 (48-53)
Section 7 (54-58)
Section 8 (58-64)
Section 9 (65-72)
Section 10 (73-84)
Section 11 (85-93)
Section 12 (94-99)
Section 13 (100-108)
Section 14 (109-126)
Section 15 (127-129)
Section 16 (130-141)
Section 17 (142-147)
Section 18 (148-151)
Section 19 (152-157)
Section 20 (158-162)
Section 21 (163-171)
Section 22 (172-181)
Section 23 (182-188)
Section 24 (189-206)