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The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE29), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1886], at


1. Let him initiate a Brâhmana in his eighth year.

2. For him the time (for being initiated) has not passed until his sixteenth (year).

3. In the eleventh a Kshatriya.

4, 1. ashtame varshe brâhmanam upanayet. 2. tasyâ shodasâd anatîtah kâla. 3. ekâdase kshatriyam.

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4. For him (the time has not passed) until the twenty-second.

5. In the twelfth a Vaisya.

6. For him (the time has not passed) until the twenty-fourth.

7. After (the student's) hair has been arranged, and he has been adorned, and dressed in a garment which has not yet been washed, (the teacher) should sacrifice with (the Mantras which the student recites), 'Agni! Lord of the vow!' (MB. I, 6, 9-13.)

8. He should cause (the student) to stand northwards of the fire, facing the west, and to join his hands.

9. And he should himself join his hands above (the student's hands).

10. A Brâhmana versed in the Mantras who stands towards the south, should fill the teacher's joined hands with water.

11. While (the student?) looks at him, (the teacher) should murmur (the Mantra), 'With him who comes to us' (MB. I, 6, 14).

12. (The student) to whom (the teacher) has said, 'What is thy name?' should pronounce a name which he is to use at respectful salutations, derived from (the name of) a deity or a Nakshatra, 'I am N.N.!' (l.l. 17.)

4. tasyâ dvâvimsâd. 5. dvâdase vaisyam. 6. tasyâ katurvimsât. 7. kusalîkritam alamkritam ahatenâkhâdya hutvâgne vratapata ity. 8. uttaratogneh pratyaṅmukham avasthâpyâñgalim kârayet. 9. svayam kopari kuryâd. 10. dakshinatas tishthan mantravân brâhmana âkâryâyodakâñgalim pûrayed. 11. âgantreti gapet prekshamâne [sic]. 12. ko nâmâsîty ukto devatâsrayam nakshatrâsrayam vâbhivâdanîyam nâma brûyâd asâv asmîty.

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13. Having let the water run (out of his joined hands over the student's hands) the teacher should seize with his two hands, holding the right uppermost, (the student's) joined hands, with (the formula), By the impulse of the god Sâvitrî' (l.l. 18).

14. With (the formula), 'Move in the sun's course' (l.l. 19) he should make him turn round from left to right.

15. Grasping down over his right shoulder he should touch his uncovered navel with (the formula), '(Thou art the knot) of all breath' (l.l. 20).

16. He then should give him in charge (to the gods) with the Antaka and the other formulas (l.l. 20 seqq.).

17. (He touches) his right shoulder with (the formula), 'To Pragâpati (I give) thee (in charge)' (l.l. 23),

18. His left shoulder with his left (hand) with (the formula), 'To the god Savitri (I give) thee (in charge)' (l.l. 24).

19. Having directed him (to observe the duties of Brahmakarya, by the formula), 'A student art thou' (l.l. 25, 26), (the teacher) sitting down should from left to right tie round the student, who bends his right knee and clasps his hands, the girdle made of Muñga grass, and should cause him to repeat (the verse), 'Protecting us from evil word' (l.l. 27).

13. utsrigyâpo devasya ta iti dakshinottarâbhyâm hastâbhyâm añgalim grihnîyâd âkâryas. 14. Sûryasyeti pradakshinam âvartayed. 15. dakshinam amsam anvavamrisyânantarhitâm nâbhim âlabhet prânânâm ity. 16. athainam pariadyâd antakaprabhritibhir. 17. dakshinam amsam Pragâpataye tveti. 18. savyena savyam devâya tveti. 19. brahmakâry asîti sampreshyopavisya (samprekshy°, samprokshy° the MSS.) dakshninagânvaktam añgalîkritam pradakshinam muñgamekhalâm âbadhnan vâkayed iyam duruktâd ity.

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20. With (the words), 'Recite, sir!' (the student) should respectfully sit down near (the teacher).

21. He then recites the Sâvitrî (l.l. 29) to him, Pâda by Pâda, hemistich by hemistich, (and finally) the whole-thus he should teach him the Sâvitrî,

22. And the Mahâvyâhritis, one by one,

23. And the word Om.

24. He hands over to him the staff, which should be made of (the wood of) a tree—

25. With (the formula which the student has to recite), 'O glorious one, make me glorious' (l.l. 34).

26. Let him put a piece of wood (on the fire) with (the verse), 'To Agni a piece of wood' (l.l. 32).

27. Let him go to beg food;

28. First of his mother,

29. Then of other women friends.

30. He should announce the alms (received) to his teacher.

31. He should stand silently till sunset.

32. Through a period of three nights he should avoid eating saline food and drinking milk.

20. adhîhi bho ity upasîdet. 21. tasmâ anvâha sâvitrîm pakkho rdharkasas sarvâm iti sâvitrîmkayed. 22. mahâvyâhris kaikaikasa. 23. omkârañ ka. 24. prayakhaty asmai vârksham dandam. 25. susravas susravasam meti. 26. samidham âdadhyâd Agnaye samidham iti. 27. bhaiksham karen. 28. mâtaram agre. 29. thânyâs suhrida. 30. âkâryâya bhaikshan nivedayet. 31. tishthed âstamayât tûshnîm. 32. trirâtram kshâralavane dugdham iti vargayet.


399:1 4, 1 = Gobhila II, 10.

Next: II, 5