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The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE29), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1886], at


1-21. At the Godâna (or cutting of the beard) the

5, 1. atha goalie kaulavat kalpah.

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rite is identical with the Kaula (cutting of the hair; see above, chap. 3, 16 seqq.).

2. He should have (his beard) and the hair of his body shaven.

3. The sacrificial fee consists of an ox and a cow, or of a pair of horses, or of sheep, for the (three) castes respectively,

4. Or of a cow for all (castes).

5. A goat (is given) to the person who catches up the hair.

6. The initiation (connected with the Godânakarman, &c.) has been declared.

7. (One should) not initiate one who does not intend to keep the vow through one year.

8. (The use of) a garment, however, which has not yet been washed (see chap. 4, 7), is not prescribed (here),

9. Nor the adornment (chap. 4, 7).

10. (The observances prescribed for the Godânavrata are the following:)

He should sleep on the ground.

11. He should avoid eating honey and flesh.

12. He should avoid sexual intercourse, shaving, (luxurious) bathing, combing his head, and cleansing his teeth and his feet (in a luxurious way).

13. nâsya kâme reta skandet.

14. Let him not mount a chariot yoked with cows,

2. salomam vâpayed. 3. gosvâvimithunâni dakshinâh prithag varnânâm. 4. sarveshâm vâ gaur. 5. agah kesapratigrahâyo. 6. ktam upanayanam. 7. nâkarishyantam samvatsaram. 8. aniyuktan tv ahatam. 9. athâlamkâro. 10. dhassamvesy. 11. amadhumâmsî syân. 12. maithunakshurakrityasnânâvalekhanadantadhâvanapâdadhâvanâni vargayen. 13. nâsya kâme reta skanden. 14. na goyuktam ârohen.

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15. Nor (wear) shoes in the village.

16. Wearing the girdle, going the rounds for alms, (carrying) a staff, putting fuel (on the fire), touching water, reverentially saluting (the teacher) in the morning: (these are the) standing (duties).

17. The Godâna-vrata, the Vrâtika-vrata, the Âditya-vrata, the Upanishad-vrata, and the Gyeshthasâma-vrata (last) one year (each).

18. The Âditya-vrata some (do) not (undergo).

19. They who undergo it, wear one garment.

20. They allow nothing to be between (themselves and) the sun.

21. And they do not descend into water.

22 22-34. For the Sakvarî verses, twelve, nine, six, or three (years through which the Vrata is to be kept) make up the various possibilities.

23. He (who keeps the Sâkvara-vrata) wears dark clothes.

24. He eats dark food.

25. He is entirely addicted to his teacher.

26. He should stand in day-time.

27. He should sit at night.

28. According to some (teachers, the Vrata may last only) one year, if the ancestors (of the student) have learnt (the Sakvarî verses).

25. na grâma upânahau. 16. mekhalâdhâranabhaikshâkaranadandasamidâdhânopasparsanaprâtarabhivâdâ nityam. 1 7. godânavrâtikâdityavratopanishaggyeshthasâmikâs samvatsarâ. 18. nâdityavratam ekeshâm. 19. ye karanty ekavâsaso bhavanty. 20. âdityañ ka nântardadhate. 21. na kâpobhyupayanti. 22. sakvarînâm dvâdasa nava shat traya iti vikalpâh. 23. krishnavastrah. 24. krishnabhaksha. 25. âkâryâdhînas. 26. tishthed divâ. 27. sîta naktam. 28. samvatsaram ekeshâm pûrvais srutâs ked.

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29. (The teacher) should sing (those verses) to (the student) who has fasted and veiled his eyes (thinking), 'May (the teacher) not burn me (with the Sakvarî verses).'

30. In the morning they make (the student) look at such things as they expect will not burn him, viz. water, fire, a calf, the sun.

31. At water (he should look) with (the words), 'Water have I beheld!' At fire with (the words), 'Light have I beheld!' At the calf with (the words), 'Cattle have I beheld!' At the sun with (the words), 'The sky have I beheld!'—thus he should break his silence.

32. A cow is the fee (for the teacher),

33. A brazen vessel, a garment, and a golden ornament.

34. At the Anupravakanîya ceremonies (see Âsvalâyana-Grihya I, 22, 12) he should sacrifice Âgya with (the two verses), 'To the Rik, to the Sâman we sacrifice' (Sâma-veda I, 369), and, 'The lord of the seat' (Sv. I, 171).

35 35-37. If he has touched a fire-altar or a sacrificial post, if he has humming in his ears, or if his eye

29. uposhitâya parinaddhâkshâyânugâpayed yathâ mâ na pradhakshyatîti. 30. tam prâtar abhivîkshayanti yâny apradhakshyanti manyantepognim vatsam âdityam. 31. apobhivyakhyam ity apo gyotir abhivyakhyam ity agnim pasûn abhivyakhyam iti vatsam sur [sic] abhivyakhyam ity âdityam visriged vâkam. 32. gaur dakshinâ. 33. kamso vâso rukmas kâ. 34. nupravakanîyeshv rikam sâma Sadasaspatim iti kâgyam guhuyâk. 35. kityayûpopasparsanakarnakrosâkshivepaneshu sûryâbhyuditas sûryâbhinimrukta indriyais ka pâpasparsaih punar mâm ity etâbhyâm âhutîr (correct, âhutî?) guhuyâd.

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palpitates, or if the sun rises or sets while he is sleeping, or if his organs of sense have been defiled by something bad, he should sacrifice two oblations of Âgya with the two (verses), 'May (my strength) return to me;

36. Or two pieces of wood anointed with Âgya.

37. Or he may murmur (those verses) at light (offences). Or he may murmur (those verses) at light (offences).

End of the Second Patala.

36. âgyalipte vâ samidhau. 37. gaped vâ laghushu, gaped vâ laghushu. dvitîyapatalah.


402:1-21 5, 1-21 = Gobhila III, 1.

404:22-34 22-34 = III, 2.

405:35-37 35-37 = III, 3, 34-36.

Next: III, 1