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Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at

p. 259



1. Thee, O Agni, the highest king of human tribes, the god, thoughtful mortals kindle at their worship.

2. Thee, O Agni, the Ritvig, the Hotri, they magnify at the sacrifices. Shine as the guardian of Rita in thy own house 1.

3. He indeed who may worship thee, the Gâtavedas, with fuel, acquires abundance in valiant men, O Agni; he will prosper.

4. May He, the banner of the sacrifices, Agni, come hither with the gods, anointed by the seven Hotri1 for the sake of the man who offers sacrificial food.

5. Bring ye forward an ancient, mighty speech to Agni, the Hotri, who is like a worshipper bearing the lights of prayers 1.

6. May our prayers increase Agni, since he is born deserving of praises, the conspicuous one, for the sake of great strength and wealth.

1. May Agni, as the best sacrificer at the worship (of men), perform the sacrifice to the gods for the man devoted to the gods. As a joyous Hotri thou reignest (passing) beyond (all) failures.

8. Thus, O purifier, shine on us glorious abundance in heroes. Be the nearest (friend) to those who praise thee, for their welfare.

9. Thus the priests full of admiring praise, having awoke, kindle thee, the immortal carrier of sacrificial food, the increaser of strength.

p. 260


The same Rishi. The metre is Ushnih.—Verse 5 = SV. I, 98; TB. III, 2, 11, 1. Verse 7 = SV. I, 100.

Verse 1.

Note 1. The first Pâda is identical with VIII, 44, 19.

Verse 2.

Note 1. Comp. above, I, 1, 8.

Verse 4.

Note 1. The most ancient list of officiating priests at the Soma sacrifice contained seven priests. See H. O., Religion des Veda, 383 seq. Hence Agni is called saptáhotâ, cf. III, 29, 14.

Verse 5.

Note 1. On víp, see the note on III, 3, 1. As to the 'lights' of the vipas, comp. vâ´kah gyótih-agrâh, VII, 101, 1, the expression gyotihshtoma—though this word is not known in the Rig-veda—and the materials collected by Bergaigne, Religion Védique, I, 285.

Verse 7.

Note 1. The second Pâda is identical with I, 15, 12.

Next: III, 11