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Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at

p. 261



1. Agni is the Hotri, the Purohita of our worship, he who dwells among many tribes, He knows the sacrifice in due order.

2. He, the immortal carrier of oblations, the Usig 1, the messenger, with satisfied mind, Agni sets himself in motion 2 (incited) by the thought (of praying men?).

3. Agni takes heed 1 (of us) by the thought (the prayer?), the banner of the sacrifice, the ancient one; for his purpose triumphs 2.

4. The gods have made Agni, the old-renowned son of strength, the Gâtavedas, their carrier (towards the sacrifice) 1.

5. Agni the undeceivable one who goes before the human tribes, he is the quick chariot 1, ever new.

6. Overcoming all attacks, He, the uninjured mind (power) of the gods, Agni, is most mightily renowned.

7. Through the vehicle 1 (which carries the gods) towards the delights (of sacrifice), "the worshipping mortal attains the dwelling-place 2 of (Agni) whose flames are purifying.

8. May we, the priests, by our prayers obtain all the blissful gifts of Agni Gâtavedas.

9. Agni! May we win all the best things in (the trials of) strength. In thee the gods have established them 1.

p. 262


The same Rishi. The metre is Gâyatrî.—Verse 2 = VS. XXII, 16; TS. IV, 1, 11, 4; MS. IV, 10, 1. Verses 5, 7, 6 = SV. II, 906–908. Verse 5 = TB. II, 4, 8, 1.

Verse 2.

Note 1. Comp. Bergaigne, Religion Védique, 1, 57 seq.

Note 2. On the intransitive use of rinváti, comp. Gaedicke, Der Accusativ im Veda, p. 53.

Verse 3.

Note 1. The meaning seems to be that Agni is intent on his purpose (ártham, Pâda 3); comp. I, 10, 2. tát índrah ártham ketati.

Note 2. Comp. Neisser, Bezzenberger's Beiträge, XX, 42.

Verse 4.

Note 1. See the note on I, 127, 8.

Verse 5.

Note 1. On Agni considered as a chariot, see Bergaigne, Religion Védique, I, 144.

Verse 7.

Note 1. Comp. 1, 127, 8, note 1.

Note 2. Comp. above, III, 2, 6.

Verse 9.

Note 1. I. e. all the best things (Pâda 1); comp. VI, 5, 2. tvé vásûni … â´ îrire yagñíyâsah.

Next: III, 12. To Indra-Agnî